Old wood working shop on NAS PAX


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Does anyone know when the wood shop on base closed? Would you also happen to know why it closed?

It had any wood working tool you could ever want. Too bad it's no longer around.


Been closed quite a few years. The building was getting too old and falling apart. Don't know what happened to all the woodworking equipment. I used to go there often and buy rough cut lumber from them and plane it down on their planer. Easier than my portable planer.


Well-Known Member
I have heard it was the building, no funding to keep it up. I think it has been 4-5 years now that it has been closed.


New Member
I heard there used to be an Enlisted club/bar where the chow hall is but, they shut it down and put in that entertainment center that is hardly used now.


I heard there used to be an Enlisted club/bar where the chow hall is but, they shut it down and put in that entertainment center that is hardly used now.
It was a great club back in the 70's. But then so was the Chiefs Club. Closed them both.


A lot of these amenities close years ago when the appropriated funds were stripped from MWR budgets. They were either self sufficient or died. Wood working shops, auto hobby shops could not maintain themselves and died a rapid death. Clubs were a split of 70/30 Appropriated/non-appropriated which is why they remained open and you could get a 50 cent beer. They rapidly reversed the ratio and then closed them because they could not compete and the focus on alcohol abuse and DUI.


I asked about the wood hobby shop several years back. I was told there was a serious mold issue in the building. It was beyond the point that it could be removed and the areas cleaned up. I could not get an answer about what happened to all the wood working equipment. MWR also ran the " Custom Creations" shop in that building. They had a high end computerized printing set up for shirts and other items that was left behind. Apparently it was too big to move into the spaces that MWR had available to relocate the business.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I miss the "good ole days" when they held the regular DRMO auctions right there on base. Great fun...scored some amazing deals too.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I went to the chief's club that was tucked away in the corner of the barracks. I haven't been there in years. If it is closed then it's a sad testimony for the goat locker. I guess with initiations going away, the kinder, gentler navy has no use for places to blow off some steam and make backroom deals.