O'Malley fuel tax hike

Notice how he isn't asking for specific pennies on the gallon but rather precentages on the gallon... you can bet your bippy he is counting on $5+ a gallon gas coming our way soon pretty much doubling what he is saying it would currently cost us.

O’Malley Officially Proposes Raising Gas Tax In Transportation Bill « CBS Baltimore

Prices at the pump may be going up. Governor Martin O’Malley has unveiled his new transportation plan, which includes an increase in the gas tax. It’s a move leaders say is critical. Meghan McCorkell has details on the new plan.

Governor O’Malley says his plan would generate $3.4 billion over the next five years.

Under a new proposal, the wholesale price of gasoline would increase two percent starting July 1—that translates to about two cents a gallon. In 2014, it would go up to four percent, about nine cents per gallon. The state’s 23.5% per gallon tax would drop five cents.


Well-Known Member
And again, according to the following article, look what counties are going to be directly benefited from this. While all the rural counties and eastern shore counties get to pay for it. Looks like good old PG county and my oh my what a surprise Montgomery county.

Without new funding this legislative session, the state Department of Transportation plans to halt design work on the Purple Line, which would connect Bethesda and New Carrollton, as well as on a dedicated express bus route in the Interstate 270 corridor.

O’Malley proposes new tax on gas to shore up Maryland’s transportation fund - The Washington Post


New Member
Maryland: The Cost of Inaction

The more concerning part of this plan is the indexing of the tax to inflation.

That means as prices rise the tax rate rises. This is silly. If they are going to add a new tax based on a percentage of the price, then the revenue will AUTOMATICALLY rise when prices rise (at the wholesale level)

If they then add a CPI based increase on the retail level, then the consumer gets whacked twice when prices rise.


"Governor O’Malley says his plan would generate $3.4 billion over the next five years."
Which will all go into the General fund, that he, and his successor will pilfer. Then we'll get yet ANOTHER sad Demo story about how we HAVE to raise taxes on gasoline...

So tired of this BS.


Power with Control
There is supposed to be a "lockbox" attached that would prevent future raiding. Yeah, right, and who has the keys? The same freaking people who raided the fund in the first place. :killingme:doh::nomoney::bawl::bawl::bawl:


Well-Known Member
Come on guys and gals, even if the fund is not raided the rural counties in Md. will get to fund more mass transit and better roads in PG county and Montgomery county.


New Member
Makes perfect sense...his idol, BHO just put 10's of thousands of folks in this state on sequester, now Owe'malley wants to take his share. The dems never stop trying to take your money for pet projects.


Come on guys and gals, even if the fund is not raided the rural counties in Md. will get to fund more mass transit and better roads in PG county and Montgomery county.

Amen. We pay for baseball stadiums in Baltimore, better roads in Montgomery county, etc etc. Only thing keeping me here in this state is my job. If I could transfer to just about anywhere else, I'd be gone before Memorial Day...