O'Malley Situation


New Member
Whose being following the situation regarding Martin O'Malley's alleged relationship with someone who was not his wife and the role that Governor Dangerfield (I don't get no respect, no respect) had in it? I wasn't here when the allegations were first made public, but after reading the paper from last week, it looks pretty fishy to me regarding Ehrlich's role. Your opinion?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Give me a thumbnail - what happened?

If O'Malley is gettin' some strange, how does Bob Ehrlich fit into the picture? :confused:


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
Give me a thumbnail - what happened?

If O'Malley is gettin' some strange, how does Bob Ehrlich fit into the picture? :confused:

Rumors surfaced that he was having an affair. Some other Republican was discussing the rumor on Freep. That Republican was forced to resign by Ehrlich. O'Malley now is screaming for an apology from Ehrlich saying Ehrlich was behind it all, that no affair ever existed, its all character assasination by Ehrlich since O'Malley has plans to run against him, etc...

Ehrlich refuses to apologize since he states he was not involved and he had the one person who was discussing the rumor on Freep resign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
Rumors surfaced that he was having an affair. Some other Republican was discussing the rumor on Freep. That Republican was forced to resign by Ehrlich. O'Malley now is screaming for an apology from Ehrlich saying Ehrlich was behind it all, that no affair ever existed, its all character assasination by Ehrlich since O'Malley has plans to run against him, etc...
Okay, they were talking about this on Chris Core the other day.

To me the proof is in the pudding - if Ehrlich fired the guy, and the guy didn't go public that Ehrlich told him to spill the beans in the first place, that pretty much says that Ehrlich wasn't involved.

Right? :shrug: Raley, what part of it looks fishy to you?


Well-Known Member
Ehrlich is responsible for his underlings and this hatchet man (self described) was close to him. He is simply giving the message that he is not sorry that his employee committed an underhanded deed. He said he didn't approve or direct the slander so why can't he just apologize for employing a sleazbag? I certainly hope our next Republican Governor is a lot better politician than Mr. Haircut.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
Ehrlich is responsible for his underlings and this hatchet man (self described) was close to him. He is simply giving the message that he is not sorry that his employee committed an underhanded deed. He said he didn't approve or direct the slander so why can't he just apologize for employing a sleazbag?
Because Republicans have learned not to apologize to Democrats for anything. Democrats leap on stuff like that like a welfare queen on a WIC voucher - "See? He admits to wrongoing! He even apologized for it!" Then they get the Post involved and we start seeing headlines like, "Ehrlich Admits Guilt in O'Malley Slander".


New Member
This fella that Ehrlich employed was known for underhanded tactics and I find it hard to believe that a politician would know NOTHING of what his long-time aides are doing. It's fishy, that's all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The reason behind O'Malley's #### fit...

...O'Malley is going to take this first, ever, opponent conspired, slanderous, non-public, mean, horrific, un-thinkable thing said about a politician and fight for his good name and perhaps world peace until he has satisfaction.

Otherwise, we might be inclined to talk about this:


...and the fact that O'malley is an idiot.

Besides, he wants to be President some day, I'm sure, and I thought cheating was required to lead some parties?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
This fella that Ehrlich employed was known for underhanded tactics and I find it hard to believe that a politician would know NOTHING of what his long-time aides are doing. It's fishy, that's all.
Clinton "had no knowledge" of 99% of his "employees'" shenanigans, according to him. Shoot, he "had no knowledge" of most of the things he himself did, according to his grand jury testimony.

Hillary Clinton "had no knowledge" that her husband was banging every skeeze in Washington.

Yet you find it "hard to believe" that Ehrlich didn't babysit this particular aide 24/7 and read everything he posts on a bulletin board?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And I'll tell you something else: it's going to come out that O'Malley does, in fact, have a cookie on the side. Mark my words.

So what happens then? The Democrats switch gears and get hysterical about "the politics of personal destruction". We've seen this before :rerun:. :yawn:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
And I'll tell you something else: it's going to come out that O'Malley does, in fact, have a cookie on the side. Mark my words.

So what happens then? The Democrats switch gears and get hysterical about "the politics of personal destruction". We've seen this before :rerun:. :yawn:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Because Republicans have learned not to apologize to Democrats for anything. Democrats leap on stuff like that like a welfare queen on a WIC voucher - "See? He admits to wrongoing! He even apologized for it!" Then they get the Post involved and we start seeing headlines like, "Ehrlich Admits Guilt in O'Malley Slander".
My point is that if he knew politics, he could skate through this mess and look good instead of guilty. He's a lousy politician.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
My point is that if he knew politics, he could skate through this mess and look good instead of guilty. He's a lousy politician.
I don't know if it's that so much as whatever he says will get twisted around and blasted negatively on the front page of the Washington Post. Happens all the time - you see some inflammatory headline, then read the story to find that the headline is misleading, if not an outright lie. It's best for Ehrlich to just keep silent and not get involved in it.


Lovin' being Texican
willie said:
My point is that if he knew politics, he could skate through this mess and look good instead of guilty. He's a lousy politician.

WashPost said:
They said O'Malley made similarly incendiary comments last summer, when he told supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John F. Kerry at a Baltimore fundraiser that Bush and his administration worry the mayor more than al Qaeda terrorists.

Who are we calling a poor politician?


Well-Known Member
Lenny said:
Who are we calling a poor politician?
I'll re-word it then. Maryland cannot produce a good politician unless your definition is crybaby (O'Malley), Master of obstruction (Busch) Wannabee emperor (Miller), self serving crook with Agnew leading the long list and then all the spineless leaders that keep the "entitlements" flowing to PG and Baltimore. Ehrlich still thinks he's a mean assed football player and has no idea how to get a 'yes' out of a 'no' person in a finesse way.