
I am one of those parents that snap the belt when I'm mad. I warn the kids, snap the belt and ask my kids if they want a piece of this. I never give the belt, so it is just a matter of noise really. Well, my 4-year old knows how to snap the belt and asked me if I wanted a piece of this. :lmao:

My kids are so bad. Last week, my 7-year old got on ebay and bided on Yugioh (sp?) cards. He comes in the room and asked me how to set up a pay pal account. :yikes:

I let daddy deal with it when he got home. He won the bid under my hubby's name.


Not that I think it's quite necessary yet.... but if baby bear decides to bid on a Farari or something you can always graduate to the old.... News paper crack!

In this situation you will need to make contact. Doesn't hurt, but makes one Heck of a sound! Rollup a small section of the paper and BLAP! The sound will send em' into hiding.

I'm not evil, really.... Just an old trick from my Great Grandma! :wink:


Be about it
Originally posted by IM4Change
I am one of those parents that snap the belt when I'm mad. I warn the kids, snap the belt and ask my kids if they want a piece of this. I never give the belt, so it is just a matter of noise really. Well, my 4-year old knows how to snap the belt and asked me if I wanted a piece of this. :lmao:

My kids are so bad. Last week, my 7-year old got on ebay and bided on Yugioh (sp?) cards. He comes in the room and asked me how to set up a pay pal account. :yikes:

I let daddy deal with it when he got home. He won the bid under my hubby's name.

OMG :killingme

What a riot!



Originally posted by PFgal
OMG :killingme

What a riot!
Man you guys are better than me.... I'd have been exacting the lecture of the century after that! :wink:

John Z

if you will
Time to password protect the computer, or at least disable the feature on eBay where it remembers your password and automatically enters it when you place a bid. Oh, and stop writing passwords on the monitor. :razz2:


I’m still in shock that he figured out how to bid on ebay. He turns 8 on Saturday, but still, I think that is pretty intelligent of him. When I questioned him, he sounded like the Ell Woods in Legally Blonde, he said, “Like it’s hard, I just read the screen.”

He wanted to go to Hyperspace for his birthday Saturday, but we couldn't get reservations, all booked. He ended up bringing an invitation home for a friend’s party there this Saturday, so he is just thrilled.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by IM4Change
He wanted to go to Hyperspace for his birthday Saturday, but we couldn't get reservations, all booked.
They are closed this saturday for a private party. The owner's daughter is getting married. :cheers:


What's it 2 U
:lmao: :lmao:

That is so funny.

My 3 year old has taken to telling her big sister to do something, like get me some juice. If she doesn't move when the 3 year old thinks she should, the 3 year old will go into this awful whine til the older one finally gets up and gets her some juice. Just as the older one is walking to the fridge we hear the little one say, "that's what I thought!" Where do they get this stuff.:wink: