Hi all,
This is my first post, so I just thought I'd introduce myself... I came to this forum to learn about stuff happening in the area. I'm a recent (2011) transplant from New York, and life here in MD is a little... slower. But I'm adjusting nicely.
After perusing the various sub-forums for a while, I came across "Religion". And that's when I felt I had to say something.
I have seen a few posts/responses that are somewhat critical of atheists. Nothing horrible, but they have contained inaccuracies. I am an atheist. Am I a "typical" atheist? Who knows. Different atheists believe different things (same for Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.). In fact, I'd suggest that most atheists share a lot of beliefs with most Christians. But that's a topic for another thread.
Anyway, to clarify, there are two major misconceptions I think people have.
1. Atheists say (something like) "There is no God, and I know this for a fact". There are very few atheists who say anything like this. And no atheist I know of (either personally, or by reputation) has ever said this. In fact, if someone did, I would argue that he could not justify such a position, and further, that he would have the "burden of proof" to provide evidence of such a claim. The closest I've ever heard is, "I believe there are no gods." But mostly, it's just "I do not believe there are gods". (There is a very subtle, but important epistemological difference between those two statements.)
2. Atheists are out to remove religion from public life. This is simply not true. Some atheists are very vocally in their criticisms of religion. But most atheists I know are pretty much indifferent to religion overall. And none want to see it "banned".
There are more, but these were the two biggies. (If others crop up, be assured I will address them.)
By the way, if anyone is interested in what one particular atheist (that is, me) thinks, please feel free to ask. I'm not shy, I rarely get offended, and would love to help clear up any atheist misconceptions people might have.
I look forward to some interesting discussions. Thanks!
You have to understand that a lot of Christians are weary of the movement to shut religion (particularly Christianity) up in our schools, in our public square, etc… When an atheist pops up the defensive radar kicks in.
Are you comfortable with kids being taught about Christianity in our schools? Are you okay with schools celebrating Christmas? When we have established the official holiday of Christmas in this country, do you support the trend of changing the names of some of the Christmas figures like the Christmas Tree? Are you even comfortable with this country having the official holiday of Christmas?
Don’t go into some long diatribe about how Christmas is really a pagan holiday…