On the news this morning...


I heard on ABC news the reporter talking about the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, and how the employees were worried about the recent insurgent bombings using morters. The reporter goes on to say that this is really a concern because inside the compound many of the employees are in offices inside of trailers which have soft roofs that would be very vulnerable to morter strikes.

What gets me is that this is like the reporters telling the insurgents that here are some perfect soft targets for you to aim your morters at. They may or may not have known that these trailers are in the compound, but now it is definetly known!

Do you ever feel that the news services don't give a shi+ about any concequences that they cause, or are maybe even looking to create a little more news for themselves?


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"Do you ever feel that the news services don't give a shi+ about any concequences that they cause, or are maybe even looking to create a little more news for themselves?"

Only every day of the week. :sarcasm: