On the Subject of Snowflakes, Karens, and the Perpetually Offended


Well-Known Member
The following is about half of a post by a FB friend of mine. He's one of those long-haired guys with a PhD in immunobiology, or something like that. In other words, the kind of guy the elites don't like because he doesn't toe the whole C-19 line that those dependent on federal funding for their research do.

Double this post and you get an idea of how he does go on. He's not wrong, though.

Remember how there used to be state institutions for the insane and mentally-disabled to prevent them from harming themselves and others?
Remember how the progressive socialists and Democrat activists got most of those places shut down on humanitarian and civil rights grounds claiming the inmates didn’t need to be in there to take their meds?

Well, what has happened over that 40 or 50 years?

The insane and feeble-minded reproduced and they and their progeny were co-opted by the left.


Because like attracts like. Because the left is already insane, emotionally deranged, and of evil intent toward the existing order, ie, normal people. The left is the single largest magnet of the insane, emotionally deranged, evil, and criminally-bent people in society.

So wonder why you have so many wacko shooters now who were already known to be a threat?

Because 40 or 50 years ago when they were known to pose a danger they were put where they couldn’t be a danger.

Wonder over the phenomenon of screaming Karens or the nuts trashing fast food places over cold fries or not enough condiments or going apeshit in public places or guys believing they’re women or people wanting to have sex with trees? Or why you see so many blue-haired people who are not elderly white women? Or metal-studded and cut up people who are not victims of a tornado hitting a hardware store? Or people being tricked into supporting such wacko crap like solar and wind power or electric vehicles or viral RNA products that have infected billions more people with Covid-19 RNA than any virus ever has?

Because before 40 or 50 years ago they were put with those who thought they were birds or animals or Teddy Roosevelt and normal society was protected from them.

But now their numbers have swelled and if they’re not being co-opted by the left for its usual smorgasbord of social schemes, then they are even attacking us from federal office (the list of dangerously imbecilic, emotionally twisted and abusive, criminally insane, and just plain ****ing stupid elected officials is long and almost entirely Democrat or progressively socialist in political affiliation).

The same is true abroad.

Does anything think that 40 or 50 years ago people would have put up with an insane fop like Justin Trudeau?

Now they dominate leftist-run social media groups and are given free reign to torment normal people over imagined slights or what could possibly be perceived as a slight or “offensive” or misinterpreted due to “missing context.”
