On Valentine's Day..


Has confinement issues..
I like to think of everyone... Everyone iis deserving of love.. So this year I have something special for my single friends, my good friends, the guys and for those smartass biatches who think they're so fresh...

First, a poem by me....

I wish with all my heart,
That I could hug you today.
And tell you that mean so much,
And brighten every day.

But life and time and circumstance,
Keep me from being near.
So I wrote this simple note,
To make my feelings clear.

If you should call,
And need a friend.
Or even cash for bail,
I am the one that you should know,
Who would be there with out fail.

So on this day,
Called Valentine's,
fFor love and friendship; flowers,
Be sure to remember that I am there.
Even in your darkest hours.
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