One Individual(and his family) to keep an eye on...


Dancing Up A Storm
The Bill O'Reilly Show just ran a segmented piece on a New York Times article, highlighting the harrowing experince of one MOURAD BENCHELLALI, who was rather pointedly interviewed by the New York Times after being released, it seems from the Guantanamo Bay terrorist prison.

The Byline is: "Detainees in Dispair."

In it, Mr. Benchellali claims it was all one huge mistake. That he was on a "dream vacation" with his brother, a few years back in Afghanistan, that he was aghast to find himself taking part in terrorist training at an Al-Quaida training camp - for two months, was released, and promptly found himself under arrest by the Pakistani Army, and handed over to US authorities where he was subsequently delivered to the Guantanamo Bay facility.

He never raised a weapon towards coalition forces - ever!

There, he was brutally tortured and interrogated for 2 1/2 years, before being released to French custody. He goes on trieal in France soon, on charges of attending that training camp in Afghanistan.

What the New York Times isn't telling us is that both his mother and father - and brother are in custody and are charged with terrorist activities! O'Reilly broke that news during his segment tonight.

Yet this fellow knows nothing of terrorism! He's innocent!

How in the hell the New york Times can run an article - believing this guy, is beyond comphrehension.

Either they failed to investigate this man's family, or really didn't give a rat's azz to tell us the rest of the story! UFB!!


New Member
This is the thing. How does anyone know for sure he isn’t lying? How do we know when anyone isn’t lying? And will anyone believe him? I’m sure there are many that might, but I don't believe his story for a minute.


Methodically disorganized
Pandora said:
This is the thing. How does anyone know for sure he isn’t lying? How do we know when anyone isn’t lying? And will anyone believe him? I’m sure there are many that might, but I don't believe his story for a minute.
Like O'Reilly stated, this guy claimed he was trying to travel home [in France] by going through Pakistan. That's the exact opposite direction he would need to take. Either he's lying or he's an f-ing retard.

He was at the al-Qaeda camp for approximately two months and never picked up a weapon? Never harmed anyone? Never learned any of their tactics? :bs:

If he was truly not a terrorist he would have disowned his family a long time ago because they're all wrapped up in that life.


Dancing Up A Storm
That the New York Times would take this individual's story at face value, and not investigate it further, is absolutely unfathomable.

It means they totally "bought" what his excuse was, and didn't think it was worth looking into where this fellow's past, his associations, or his family history had taken him.

Either that, or they're so biased against the administration, and it's policies regarding the inmates in Guantanamo Bay facility, that they're willing to go to any lengths to portray it in an unfriendly light.

The prisoner is always right! He's been framed! HE"S the victim!

It's all Bush's fault!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
That the New York Times would take this individual's story at face value, and not investigate it further, is absolutely unfathomable.
Can there be any doubt that the NYT is a subsidiary of Al Jazeera? The WashPost isn't far behind them because they do a lot of spotlight pieces that paint a criminal in a positive light, yet neglect to tell you the real story about what this person did to land in prison in the first place.

They'll say these dirtbags were "brutally tortured", yet forget to tell you that their idea of "torture" is making them listen to a certain type of music, or wearing women's clothing. You get your ass captured by the Taliban and you'll find out what REAL torture is all about because they'll start whacking off your body parts and make you watch while they sodomize your children.

This is where the DU whackjobs get their strange ideas - from "news" sources like the NYT and WashPost.


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
Can there be any doubt that the NYT is a subsidiary of Al Jazeera? The WashPost isn't far behind them because they do a lot of spotlight pieces that paint a criminal in a positive light, yet neglect to tell you the real story about what this person did to land in prison in the first place.

They'll say these dirtbags were "brutally tortured", yet forget to tell you that their idea of "torture" is making them listen to a certain type of music, or wearing women's clothing. You get your ass captured by the Taliban and you'll find out what REAL torture is all about because they'll start whacking off your body parts and make you watch while they sodomize your children.

This is where the DU whackjobs get their strange ideas - from "news" sources like the NYT and WashPost.

You ever hear the phrase - good news/bad news?

The good news is: You're absolutely right! What's the bad news?

They will not tell you what you don't want to hear: That what they consider unforgivable atrocities are happening over there in Iraq, ie., be headings, up close and personal executions of innocents, are a daily occurrence.

But for this guy to claim that he was duped, or on a "dream vacation" gone bad is absolute BS!

Can you look a person in the eye, and spot BS? Obviously, they did not!