One Life to Live


I wanna be a SMIB
Ok, so Im sitting here in my office, tv in background which I generally do not watch but I turn around and start watching and I see everyone sad and what loooks like some sort of funeral setting. They all seem to be looking at pictures of Asa Buchanan. Did he die? On the show or in real life. Damn, I have to stop working so much and start paying more attention to my soaps. What have I missed?


All Up In Your Grill
They couldn't come to terms on a contract. So they killed him off. :boo:

That's almost like AMC killing off Erica or Y&R killing off Victor or Nikki. Unreal. IMO Asa was a fan favorite, he helped make the show what it is today, and they should have just let him make his few appearances. He made the dayum show for crying out loud.


I wanna be a SMIB
I see Todds back though. Thats a good thing. I love Todd, even this new one, not as much as the old one but he'll do.


All Up In Your Grill

In a stunning storyline decision, One Life to Live has decided to kill off the character of Asa. Fans may recall reports by earlier this year documenting the breakdown in contract talks between actor Phil Carey (ex-Asa Buchanan) and show executives. Network brass wanted Carey to go off-contract and appear on a recurring basis. Carey, however, wanted to remain with the show as a contract player. When the network refused to offer Carey a new contract, the actor walked. Carey, a 28-year veteran of the show, last aired - without any fanfare -- on April 26th.