One man, One vote...


This Space for Rent
One person, one vote - the only one

Associated Press

TOWN OF OREGON, Wis. - Randy Way cast the only vote in a referendum on whether to approve a plan by the village of Oregon to annex 80 acres from the town.

Way cast his ballot Tuesday after filing a petition last month asking for the referendum in an effort to get the village to begin talking with the town about a boundary agreement.

Because the village agreed to discussions, Way voted to approve the annexation instead of rejecting it, which could have delayed the development of a cement plant in the village's proposed industrial park.

He is the only person living in the annexed area, and thus was the only one who could sign the petition requesting the referendum and the only one allowed to vote.

Town Clerk Denise Arnold printed two ballots, just in case.

"We gave him two just in case he read it wrong and made a mistake," Arnold said. "This is probably not the norm. It's pretty weird."

Three paid poll workers were required to be on duty for 13 hours for the election after town officials said they were unable to find anything in state law that would allow the polls to close early after Way had voted just 17 minutes after the poll opened at 7 a.m.

Way bought pizza for the poll workers' supper to show his appreciation for their effort.

"I hate to see them incur cost but it's probably worth the cost," he said. "It all worked out and I think it will be of mutual benefit."

See, one vote does make a difference! :lmao:


Lovin' being Texican
FromTexas said:
See, one vote does make a difference! :lmao:

I am sure the Democrats will demand a recount. Once that result is in they'll demand another recount in front of the national media. Once that result is in, they'll take it to court. Where's Johnny Cochran....?