One Unique Way to Avoid a Speeding Ticket


It's Great to be American
This guy was either very stupid or very smart, depending on your point of view.

He's being chased for speeding at speeds in excess of 95 MPH. The cop chasing him loses control of his vehicle because of a blowout of one of his tires. The guy being chased, turns around and returns to the cop to help him after the accident. :shrug:

As of last night, no citations had been issued according to the story.


NOT Politically Correct!!
buddy999 said:
This guy was either very stupid or very smart, depending on your point of view.

He's being chased for speeding at speeds in excess of 95 MPH. The cop chasing him loses control of his vehicle because of a blowout of one of his tires. The guy being chased, turns around and returns to the cop to help him after the accident. :shrug:

As of last night, no citations had been issued according to the story.



buddy999 said:
This guy was either very stupid or very smart, depending on your point of view.

After reading the article, I'd say intelligence wasn't a factor. Obliviousness was. :lol:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Toxick said:
After reading the article, I'd say intelligence wasn't a factor. Obliviousness was. :lol:

I've driven cross country about 6 times and in some areas cruised at 100+ for well over an hour and barely saw a hand full of cars (Montana is a wide open state). I commend the guy for having the intelligence for doing the right thing, what if the officer was seriously injured???


I bowl overhand
This kind of plays into my argument about chasing down speeders in the first place. A cop car is no safer or more a race car then any of ours.. if he comes out after a speeder from a dead stop to chase someone down doing 90 or 95, how fast does he have to go?? Isn't just as reckless for them to be doing 120 - 130 or more, then it would be for us? Do their lights and siren make their cars have better braking, or better cornering? Is there stopping distance shortened when their lights are on? I can understand the speeder is breaking the law, but after all, he's JUST speeding, but if it's considered unsafe and reckless, how is putting another car out there going even FASTER improving the situation??

There has to be a better way to stop speeders.. or at least catch them.


I bowl overhand
chernmax said:
I've driven cross country about 6 times and in some areas cruised at 100+ for well over an hour and barely saw a hand full of cars (Montana is a wide open state). I commend the guy for having the intelligence for doing the right thing, what if the officer was seriously injured???


This Space for Rent
buddy999 said:
This guy was either very stupid or very smart, depending on your point of view.

He's being chased for speeding at speeds in excess of 95 MPH. The cop chasing him loses control of his vehicle because of a blowout of one of his tires. The guy being chased, turns around and returns to the cop to help him after the accident. :shrug:

As of last night, no citations had been issued according to the story.

Even the consideration that he would be smart or stupid shows little consideration for the fact someone was possibly injured. He did what was right. Getting out of the ticket never entered the equation and shouldn't have either here. So, if you consider him smart for trying to do it to get out of the ticket, you show shallow thinking instead of the basic human understanding that you respond to people who may be physically injured and help them. If you consider him stupid for going back, you show even less of a connection with basic humanity.


NOT Politically Correct!!
FromTexas said:
Even the consideration that he would be smart or stupid shows little consideration for the fact someone was possibly injured. He did what was right. Getting out of the ticket never entered the equation and shouldn't have either here. So, if you consider him smart for trying to do it to get out of the ticket, you show shallow thinking instead of the basic human understanding that you respond to people who may be physically injured and help them. If you consider him stupid for going back, you show even less of a connection with basic humanity.

Wow, not bad for your 10,000th post :yay: :yay: :yay:


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
After reading the article, I'd say intelligence wasn't a factor. Obliviousness was. :lol:
That's the way I took it also. You still have to give the guy credit for turning around to give assistance. A lot of folks wouldn't have taken the time.


itsbob said:
This kind of plays into my argument about chasing down speeders in the first place. A cop car is no safer or more a race car then any of ours.. if he comes out after a speeder from a dead stop to chase someone down doing 90 or 95, how fast does he have to go?? Isn't just as reckless for them to be doing 120 - 130 or more, then it would be for us? Do their lights and siren make their cars have better braking, or better cornering? Is there stopping distance shortened when their lights are on? I can understand the speeder is breaking the law, but after all, he's JUST speeding, but if it's considered unsafe and reckless, how is putting another car out there going even FASTER improving the situation??

There has to be a better way to stop speeders.. or at least catch them.

The reason they are chased is because usually when someone fails to stop for the police it's because there's more going on than just a traffic violation. It's often because the car is stolen, the person is wanted for something, etc. The other problem is that polcie suffer from a lot of hindsight abuse. If a guy fails to stop for a traffic stop because he's just stolen the car he's driving, and the police just let him go, and the guy robs and kills someone later that night, the police get strung up just as bad as if the guy gets in an accident and kills someone during the chase. As usual, the public always wants things both ways.


I bowl overhand
Bruzilla said:
The reason they are chased is because usually when someone fails to stop for the police it's because there's more going on than just a traffic violation. It's often because the car is stolen, the person is wanted for something, etc. The other problem is that polcie suffer from a lot of hindsight abuse. If a guy fails to stop for a traffic stop because he's just stolen the car he's driving, and the police just let him go, and the guy robs and kills someone later that night, the police get strung up just as bad as if the guy gets in an accident and kills someone during the chase. As usual, the public always wants things both ways.
This isn't the situation I'm talking about..

I think if someone runs they should be shot.

I'm talking about a State Trooper sitting on the side of the interstate.. especially at night.. a speeder goes by doing 90, the trooper is at a dead stop.. simple math tells you if you want to catch someone going 90, you have to go considerably faster then they are, and they don't even turn on their lights until they do catch up to you. Up to the point of actually catching the speeder, all he is doing is "catching up" to a speeder.. and they do it farily quickly..

Now if it was felon they were chasing like in your scenario they have what's considered an unsafe speed and a supervisor will call off the chase.. what's considered an unsafe speed to catch up to a speeder?


Bruzilla said:
The reason they are chased is because usually when someone fails to stop for the police it's because there's more going on than just a traffic violation. It's often because the car is stolen, the person is wanted for something, etc. The other problem is that polcie suffer from a lot of hindsight abuse. If a guy fails to stop for a traffic stop because he's just stolen the car he's driving, and the police just let him go, and the guy robs and kills someone later that night, the police get strung up just as bad as if the guy gets in an accident and kills someone during the chase. As usual, the public always wants things both ways.

:yeahthat: How True!


New Member
itsbob said:
This isn't the situation I'm talking about..

I think if someone runs they should be shot.

I'm talking about a State Trooper sitting on the side of the interstate.. especially at night.. a speeder goes by doing 90, the trooper is at a dead stop.. simple math tells you if you want to catch someone going 90, you have to go considerably faster then they are, and they don't even turn on their lights until they do catch up to you. Up to the point of actually catching the speeder, all he is doing is "catching up" to a speeder.. and they do it farily quickly..

Now if it was felon they were chasing like in your scenario they have what's considered an unsafe speed and a supervisor will call off the chase.. what's considered an unsafe speed to catch up to a speeder?

so...someone who runs should be shot?? I's okay to hold a running gun battle on the street in the name of "justice", but chasing is waaay to dangerous?? :rolleyes:


I bowl overhand
beavis said:
so...someone who runs should be shot?? I's okay to hold a running gun battle on the street in the name of "justice", but chasing is waaay to dangerous?? :rolleyes:

Who the hell said anything about a running gun battle?? If you try to run from the police they should be able to do whatever it takes to stop you. YOU shouldn't get the chance to be in high speed chase. Whether it be disabling your car on the move, wrecking you, or whatever other method they can think of.. do it, end it.. In our county alone there would be what, 3 more innocent victims still alive, if they stopped the chase before it became a hazard.

In this day and age of terrorists and an imminent next attack, you don't know WHY they are running you just now they have a reason to run. COuld it be because they are a felon? Do they have drugs in the car, or MAYBE they have anthrax in their car that they MUST release downtown so they can get their 70 virgins.. personally I don't care why.. the police should end it as soon as they can, by any means available to them.


I bowl overhand
As far as speeders go, with our technology we can't think of a better way to catch speeders then to chase them down?? Sounds silly to me.


New Member
itsbob said:
As far as speeders go, with our technology we can't think of a better way to catch speeders then to chase them down?? Sounds silly to me.
We already have the technology. GPS. It's used to track businesses now (are you agitating my dots?). :biggrin:

Imagine, every tag issued has a GPS transmitter. The nations highway system is loaded into a computer with the posted speed limits. You exceed the posted speed limit and the computer mails the owner of the tags a ticket. DAMMITT JIM!!!! :jameo:


I bowl overhand
Mikeinsmd said:
We already have the technology. GPS. It's used to track businesses now (are you agitating my dots?). :biggrin:

Imagine, every tag issued has a GPS transmitter. The nations highway system is loaded into a computer with the posted speed limits. You exceed the posted speed limit and the computer mails the owner of the tags a ticket. DAMMITT JIM!!!! :jameo:
It would have to be lot more involved then that.. cost per vehicle would be expensive. (GPS doesn't transmit, unless you are driving a Satellite 10,000 miles above the earth's surface)


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
It would have to be lot more involved then that.. cost per vehicle would be expensive. (GPS doesn't transmit, unless you are driving a Satellite 10,000 miles above the earth's surface)
Explain that one. :confused:


I bowl overhand
willie said:
Explain that one. :confused:
A vehilce or ground station has a GPS reciever that recieves signals from numerous satellites. This unit does not transmit, it recieves and crunches the data from several satellites to give you a location on the earth's surface OR even above or below. For use as a tracking device it has to be coupled with a transmitter.. GPS does it's job, transfers the data to a data package that then gets transmitted. The transmitter, and the service that maintains the communication network(it has to be more advanced then a simple CB radio) for the trasnmitter is where the real cost comes in.

I don't rememeber the exact amount of ground transmitters (3 maybe) that keep the clocks synched on the satellites, and detect errors.