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Just joined. Came here because I noticed no thread on this subject. So maybe this thread will get it started and the interchange will benefit everyone.
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That's a nice situation to have! Just don't want to trust the market TOO much, though... but with that kind of portfolio you're probably in other things too so you already know.Chasey_Lane said:I have several million in stocks. I hope to cash-out soon, though - I can't wait to retire at 30!
Chasey_Lane said:I have several million in stocks. I hope to cash-out soon, though - I can't wait to retire at 30!
Tenerawhattolearn said:so give me a couple stocks and we'll see.
DoWhat said:Key Technology
dowhat- sorry about that. tenera DOES exist. had to tramp thru long paper trail to find it. they left amex awhile back, now on pink sheets as TNRA. that's why giving me symbol is so important- just makes it easier. okay, gimme a minute to look it over now that i found the little devil...DoWhat said:Tenera
hanoon said:in this indicators for
What is the volatility calculations and how to read the chart for this.
whattolearn said:ADL
HANOON- ADL is showing a very high volatility index right now. this means there are very large price swings. volatility is simply a measure of recent prices against normal deviation among prices over a specified period. a simple way to look at it is if a stock is going along for a week between 1.25 and 1.50, and then suddenly goes down to say .95 or up to say 1.99, the volatility volatility chart will register this as increased volatility. interesting question. thanks.
yes- i'd say that's the general idea of a volatility index... but when the index is going UP that doesn't necessarily mean the price is going up- it just means there are strong up OR down changes related to price hope this helpedhanoon said:Thanks for your great informations and for answering all the questions but is what you mean that whenever there is a sharp increase or decrease means that this stock has a sudden changes up or down in the period of time and when the chart going up means the sudden change was increase and when the chart goes down means it was decrease...\\
am i understand or you think i have a wrong idea.?
It will boom through the roof someday. (I hope)whattolearn said:... i could be wrong- this might be a gold mine- but that's what i see...
DoWhat said:It will boom through the roof someday. (I hope)
fishinfool said:Is online trading the most cost effective way to buy and sell individual stocks? Over the years I have thought of buying several different stocks, never did it and watched some them really go then kick myself in the but for not going through with it. Right now I'm thinking about Satelite radio stock. Namely, Sirius. XM might be local and more established right now but I think Sirius is making better associations with other major bluechip companies.
whattolearn said:uh, yes- i would say it's very cost effective, unless you can buy them through your employer. some no-frills online brokers are only $5 per trade. but direct discussion with a broker to buy/sell costs more- $14 a chat and up... you could be on to something there with the satellite radio thing- i'm not sure- but you sound like an "investor" (long-term), not a "trader" (short-term). for long-term stuff, try to find a co on amex, nyse, toronto, or vancouver xchgs. that is, you (almost) never want to be an "investor" in any pinksheets or otcbb stocks. (rarely, and only if you can really afford to lose the cash) frankly, i don't trust ANY stock enough to get married to it. when you've picked a satellite co, give me the SYMBOL here and i'll take a look- you'd be amazed how many co's have very similar names in the stock market ...