Ontario Forced To Pull Plug On Universal Basic Income Program


PREMO Member
Ontario is pulling the plug early on a universal basic income pilot project intended to last three years. The program, which was launched in April of 2017, was shockingly found to be far too expensive and simply unsustainable. (Who would have guessed?)

Universal basic income is "clearly not the answer for Ontario families," explained Children, Community, and Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod, adding that the program was "not sustainable."

Though the welfare program was intended to last three years, it will be coming to an end this week, announced MacLeod. She promised the program's exit would be done "ethically" and would provide "more detail at a later date."

Roughly 4,000 Canadians, regardless of unemployment status, are enrolled in the program. "[A] single person could have received up to about $17,000 a year, minus half of any income he or she earned. A couple could have received up to $24,000 per year. People with disabilities could have received an additional $6,000," reports CBC.

SURPRISE! Ontario Forced To Pull Plug On Universal Basic Income Program