OOPS! Palin Has Less Support Among Women


Dancing Up A Storm
I agree to a great extent regarding your response. But the mindset is strange to me regarding our elected officials. It's okay to be a Democrat criminal but not a Republican criminal in a Democrat's viewpoint. Republicans don't seem to like criminals from either party. Why the difference in views?

I suppose it's a mindset, a type of make up, if you will, of your own personality, and it may be guided by the people you associate with. In the case we're discussing, it could very well be an entire feeling, an outlook, that covers a whole generation of people, who are trying to fool themselves. They ideate that their vision of morality is, or will be, accepted by their peers.

Getting deep here, eh? :lmao:


No Use for Donk Twits
I suppose it's a mindset, a type of make up, if you will, of your own personality, and it may be guided by the people you associate with. In the case we're discussing, it could very well be an entire feeling, an outlook, that covers a whole generation of people, who are trying to fool themselves. They ideate that their vision of morality is, or will be, accepted by their peers.

Getting deep here, eh? :lmao:

Very deep for me as I was up until 5 am this morning. I have in-laws, accomplished, educated and some foreign, who seem to lack common sense when it comes to politics. In this case, the exact same behavior exhibited by folks of different political views. Acceptable behavior on one hand, inexcusable behavior on the other - all predicated on their political affiliation. Strange differentiation for analysis, imho.


Dancing Up A Storm
Very deep for me as I was up until 5 am this morning. I have in-laws, accomplished, educated and some foreign, who seem to lack common sense when it comes to politics. In this case, the exact same behavior exhibited by folks of different political views. Acceptable behavior on one hand, inexcusable behavior on the other - all predicated on their political affiliation. Strange differentiation for analysis, imho.

Alright, we diversed a bit, going on between Bubba and just a few mistresses, and other travesties. :lmao:

Remember his statement; "I never had sex with that woman"?

I wonder if that rationale, might not have invaded the mindset of the general populace? Did that mental attitude filter on down to mainstream America?

Did the common American male, or female, decide - that if he can get away with it, why can't I?

His wife, Hillary, denied ever - knowing- ANY of his (mis)discretions, towards other women on an interview, on national TV! Back in '92 or 94?

So, she denied his extra-marital affairs, when it was pretty well known, to the folks in Arkansas? Right! Miss Angel of Honesty - Watergate!:killingme


No Use for Donk Twits
I agree with you. That was part of the problem, in my opinion, regarding Clinton. I think your analysis is correct regarding the underlying psyche of folks who defended him. "Heck, that ain't that bad" type of thinking.

I was more on the tack that the thinking of the Democrats was more in line with "You can't beat up my brother, only I can beat him up" type of thinking. They would defend him no matter how irrational (to a normal person) his behavior became.

Democrats don't seem able to clean their own house of corruption. Heck, the worst they've done is take Jefferson off some committee when the sucker should be in jail. Double standards. Their thinking confuses me as it's generally circular logic.

I'll catch up with the thread in the morning. I got very little sleep last night and the better half is already warming the bed. Later! :howdy:


Dancing Up A Storm
I agree with you. That was part of the problem, in my opinion, regarding Clinton. I think your analysis is correct regarding the underlying psyche of folks who defended him. "Heck, that ain't that bad" type of thinking.

I was more on the tack that the thinking of the Democrats was more in line with "You can't beat up my brother, only I can beat him up" type of thinking. They would defend him no matter how irrational (to a normal person) his behavior became.

Democrats don't seem able to clean their own house of corruption. Heck, the worst they've done is take Jefferson off some committee when the sucker should be in jail. Double standards. Their thinking confuses me as it's generally circular logic.

I'll catch up with the thread in the morning. I got very little sleep last night and the better half is already warming the bed. Later! :howdy:

Get some sleep, brother! :buddies:

When you wake up, and have had a cup of java, we can continue.
Yes, indeed, there does appear to be a "double standard". What applies to the Dems, is most assuredly, not the same ideology that may be utilised by the conservative element, in our society.

Question is - why? Did we grow up in such diversive societies, that we are so far apart, in our ideas? Don't think so. It's more(possibly) a common bond, a self-serving interest among liberal types, that may very well explain their views, and their outlook towards a morality standard - that seems so very far apart, and so alien to the rest of us.

And yet, there is a cross-section of America, that seems to identify with that
aspect of perceived common decency. They simply stretch it to it's limits - much like an adolescent, before they are brought back to reality, by their parents or guardians.

Later! :howdy:


Lovin' being Texican
Let me posit one other thought....

Alright, we diversed a bit, going on between Bubba and just a few mistresses, and other travesties. :lmao:

Remember his statement; "I never had sex with that woman"?

I wonder if that rationale, might not have invaded the mindset of the general populace? Did that mental attitude filter on down to mainstream America?

Did the common American male, or female, decide - that if he can get away with it, why can't I?

His wife, Hillary, denied ever - knowing- ANY of his (mis)discretions, towards other women on an interview, on national TV! Back in '92 or 94?

So, she denied his extra-marital affairs, when it was pretty well known, to the folks in Arkansas? Right! Miss Angel of Honesty - Watergate!:killingme

....The sexual infidelity the Bill Clinton cursed us with is but one manifestation of his and the nation's missing values. The same missing values pressed the .com growth beyond all reality. The same attitude that "rules are meant for the common people" is what gave us ENRON. Even though ENRON finally implodes on Bush's watch, it developed and festered on Clinton's watch. It was facilitated by and encouraged by Clinton's lust for economic growth in this nation, even if it was based on a fables and myths. That false economic growth (plus the Republican brakes in the Congress) are what allowed Clinton to claim a mythical budget surplus.


Dancing Up A Storm
....The sexual infidelity the Bill Clinton cursed us with is but one manifestation of his and the nation's missing values. The same missing values pressed the .com growth beyond all reality. The same attitude that "rules are meant for the common people" is what gave us ENRON. Even though ENRON finally implodes on Bush's watch, it developed and festered on Clinton's watch. It was facilitated by and encouraged by Clinton's lust for economic growth in this nation, even if it was based on a fables and myths. That false economic growth (plus the Republican brakes in the Congress) are what allowed Clinton to claim a mythical budget surplus.

As always, you add a modicum of common sense to the issue at hand. :yay:

I wonder, if - throughout the past 20 or 25 years, or so - have we become "numbed" to the everyday quirks of our politicians? What we take, or assume as our everyday morality, well, it doesn't seem to apply to them. It's as though they're in another culture, or a different spectrum, above(or out of touch) with what we consider as practicality.

Whether it's a product of their upbringing, or maybe their "road to the campaign", the sacrifices they've had to make along the way to get where they are, they simply appear to be so much different from the rest of middle America, and it's perceived values.

That's how it looks to me. JMHO