Op-Ed: Citizens Being Able To Vote The Ruling Party Out Of Power Is The End Of Democracy


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I cannot believe democracy is about to die in America, again.

Now, our dear democracy is under attack - by America holding a so-called 'election' and allowing idiots to vote. Let us be clear about what the stakes are: if a single person I disagree with is elected in a free and fair election, democracy will be DEAD. If citizens have the power to simply vote the ruling party out of power - when I really like the current ruling party - all is lost.

We must, at all costs, ensure that one party has absolute TOTAL control. That is the only way to defeat fascism! Or have you not heard from Hillary Clinton - rightful winner of the stolen 2016 election - that if you elect Republicans, they will then refuse to concede that they have lost?

These are frightening times.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

This is one of the things I both love and hate about the internet: gaining access to the minds of people who are truly clueless and highly susceptible to cult grooming. It's fascinating. We laugh at this piece but on social media you see all kinds of folks who truly believe that voting out bad leadership is a threat to our democracy. Never mind explaining to them that that's what democracy is, they just start flipping out and becoming verbally abusive.

And forget trying to explain representative republic because they are having none of it.