'Operation: Hidden Agenda' cards




SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- A high school teacher, fed up with the Bush administration's playing cards featuring Saddam Hussein, "Chemical Ali" and other most-wanted Iraqis, is now selling her own deck, "Operation: Hidden Agenda."

Kathy Eder's 55 cards show pictures of the president, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others along with quotes, mostly from journalists, questioning the rationale for the U.S.-led war. The backs of the cards feature a 1983 photograph of Rumsfeld shaking Hussein's hand.

Eder, 42, said she decided to create her own plastic-coated propaganda in March as a comeback to the "messages of hate" contained in the cards the Department of Defense issued to help U.S. troops identify suspected war criminals.

The $9.95 deck of cards are being made by Texas-based Liberty Playing Cards, one of the companies that prints the government's "Most Wanted" cards.

Once the product became available online and at a few bookstores, Eder said she sold 3,000 decks in three weeks. She's already placed a second order for 5,000 decks.

Eder has pledged to donate half her profits to five nonprofit organizations that promote nonviolence and provide aide to Gulf War veterans and Iraqis.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Eder has pledged to donate half her profits to five nonprofit organizations that promote nonviolence and provide aide to Gulf War veterans and Iraqis. [/B][/QUOTE]

Gee, I wonder where the other half of the profits are going? :duh:

John Z

if you will
Re: Re: 'Operation: Hidden Agenda' cards

Originally posted by jazz lady
Gee, I wonder where the other half of the profits are going? :duh:

Well, if I thought of a nice money making scheme, I think I'd keep the other half of the profits; wouldn't you? :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just like a liberal - can't come up with her own ideas so she has to steal someone else's. :duh:

Only in SF could a teacher do this and not be fired immediately for conflict of interest.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Only in SF could a teacher do this and not be fired immediately for conflict of interest.
That and Fredrick Maryland Theatre Arts Teachers. :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
That and Fredrick Maryland Theatre Arts Teachers. :wink:
Yeah, but the TA teacher was a little less overt than this chickie. Where do they come up with these "human interest" stories, anyway? They had a thing in the Sunday Post magazine about this dysfunctional family that's so sucked into their computers they rarely see or speak to each other. Why would they think anyone would care about that?

You'd think they'd want to do a story on how successfully Larry and I have melded our two families, but no....they only want to talk about melded families that avoid each other. :duh:


Funny thing about profits... they only show up after all the costs have been paid. And as developer of the cards who's to say how much salary she's entitled to? $100, $1,000, $10,000? Talk about hidden agendas. And don't you love that she's coming up with her own deck of hate because she is mad about another deck of hate? Oh brother!

Vrai, I hate to say it but I am interested in families not interfacing because of the internet/computers. This was one of the issues we had to deal with when the Navy was looking at putting a web/entertainment module in every bunk on a ship. That would have led to every sailor coming off watch, headed for the bunk, and writing emails, surfing the web, watching movies, etc., and would just about exterminate some vital personal interaction. That's why the shift to building computer centers came about.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
I am interested in families not interfacing because of the internet/computers.
Well, you'd have liked this story then. It was a Mom and Dad with two kids each from previous marriages. EACH KID had their own computer in their room, as well as a TV, VCR, etc. Apparently the kids would come home from school, disappear in their rooms, emerge occasionally for dinner, then go back to their cave.

This started because everyone was fighting about computer time, so the parents "solved" it by getting everyone their own. It was just kind of weird and you know how judgemental I am. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The main thing that tweaked me about that story is that they were like two separate families living in the same house. No interaction between the siblings, no interaction with the non-parent. I'm hypersensitive about the bad rap melded families get because Larry and I apparently aren't the norm. :frown:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The main thing that tweaked me about that story is that they were like two separate families living in the same house. No interaction between the siblings, no interaction with the non-parent. I'm hypersensitive about the bad rap melded families get because Larry and I apparently aren't the norm. :frown:
Neither are Susan and I, or maybe we are and they are just looking for the A B Normal.


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruzilla
And don't you love that she's coming up with her own deck of hate because she is mad about another deck of hate? Oh brother!

We do this all the time. In this country, committing murder is a very bad thing. In fact, it is so bad that if convicted, we kill you. (which is a good thing)