Opie and Anthony....


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Right well this article I posted is from today and that last thread deteriorated, as so many do, into whimsy....yeah that's right. I used the word whimsy.

Thanks for the clever graphic though.


b*tch rocket
I have to agree with you Jimmy. What I always find ironic is how furious people become over sexual humor being pumped out over the airwaves, yet it's commonly accepted for the daily news pumping out the latest murder, sexual predator, bombing, school shooting etc....

The way I see it, all radios and tv's come with an "off" button. I love Opie and Anthony, but I only get to listen to them for the few moments it takes me to get my kids at school, then I change the station. I do the same with news (well mostly only around my youngest). I learned that lesson when my oldest was very young, he was horrified when the news came across that what's her name, locked her kids in the car and drowned them in a lake.

I'm fully for arresting the couple getting it on in the church, but taking Opie and Anthony off the air is :bs: !


A Busy Busy Guy
Good grief....

Why do people take things so damned seriously?
It's a radio gag, if they get caught, keep it quiet.

At least is wasn't a church employee doing the dirty work.... =)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Personally, I'd give twits like Opie & Anthony, Greaseman and Stern the death penalty. (Yes, I'm in a b*tchy mood - I had to be nice all day, now I'm acting out) I think anyone that finds that sort of thing entertaining nees psychiatric care. What in the hell is so funny about listening to people have sex in a church? What is so funny about degrading women? And what, pray tell, is so funny about dragging black people behind trucks?

If finding this stuff ignorant and juvenile means I have no sense of humor, so be it.

I hate everybody!!! Grrrrr!!! Death penalty to the masses!!!!!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
....If finding this stuff ignorant and juvenile means I have no sense of humor, so be it.

I hate everybody!!! Grrrrr!!! Death penalty to the masses!!!!!
I think that new avatar is working on you Vrai! :biggrin:


b*tch rocket
I think anyone that finds that sort of thing entertaining nees psychiatric care.

Admittedly I probably do! :biggrin: The way I see it, if you are stupid enough to degrade yourself in public, you are open game for me to laugh at you. You shouldn't "shoot the messenger" Howard Stern (pre divorce) and Opie and Anthony make me laugh hysterically. As well as Monty Python and Benny Hill.

I just read O&A were fired! :bawl: Now who's gonna make me laugh? Maybe they'll replace them with Jim Norton!!!! I wish I wish I wish!


I think it pretty low to have sex in a church but beyond that I really don't care. I agree that it would have went much better for the church without all the publicity.



...just heard the O&A were fired as well....man....I'm so pissed off at super-religious, sensitive people right now...I think I'm going to go have sex in a church...:burning:


Attire Monitor
My EXACT thoughts...

Originally posted by jetmonkey
They should prosecute boy-raping priests so zealously.

The article said that the firings came at the urging of a group of Catholic churches.
If they'd only expressed the same indignation at their priests, that whole problem would have been resolved much more quickly.
I spent 17 years in radio, and ten of them hosting a morning show. This kind of stuff royally pi...uhh...angers me.
Opie and Anthony didn't FORCE anyone to do anything. They saw a chance to go for a bit and they went with it. When you're in that position, it's a very cutthroat business. Your bosses are constantly after you to go bigger, get better ratings, be MORE outrageous. They were only doing what radio people do to get attention. And, it's a shame they got fired, because their station would now enjoy the HIGHEST ratings it's ever seen. THAT'S how it works! When people would call and say "I'll never listen to your station again.", I knew that I had just gained the most faithful, loyal listener I could ever want.
As I used to say, it's JUST RADIO! It has an on and off switch!!!



I agree with you on this issue. To have sex in church is pretty low, but then again, the church made more of a fuss over this then needed. They certainly do not have the right to scream morals with the heat on the Catholic church the way it has been. I think it was wrong to FIRE them. I am sure they didn't just go out and do this without anyone higher up in the radio station knowing about it. That was wrong!:boo:


I've never liked O & A. I don't care for the way they've treated Don and Mike. The strong NYC centric attitide is very grating; and the way they treat Stalker Patty, in particular, makes me feel embarassed. Oh, and Jim Norton... :barf:
I'm glad O & A are gone, but the circumstances suck. Sheesh, what ever happened to just getting an apology? O & A, arseholes though they may be, shouldn't have to be whipping boys for the Catholic Church's sexual guilt.