Opinions of Food Lion in Prince Frederick


New Member
What is everyones opinions of Food Lion over in Prince FRederick, I know they've gone through some management changes over the past year and a younger guy is over ther now. Any thoughts on shopping versus Giant or Safeway....gotta keep the options open you know


New Member
nikolasmor said:
What is everyones opinions of Food Lion over in Prince FRederick, I know they've gone through some management changes over the past year and a younger guy is over ther now. Any thoughts on shopping versus Giant or Safeway....gotta keep the options open you know

I like Safeway...better selection, meat and fish better..good prices AND 10 cents off a gallon of gas at their pumps :yay:


nikolasmor said:
Are their prices cheaper than Giants? About the same as Food Lion?

I usually buy sides and vegitables at Food Lion (much cheaper) for meats and seafood Safeway is always best. If you go the the PF Food Lion, go early and you can get better meats if you want to buy them there, plus the cashiers are a lot nicer. If you go in the afternoon, there is a cashier that will scare you to death with her teeth and she chews gum, (not very conducive to buying food). :barf:


New Member
But do you pay for that selection in price? Everyone says Giant is the highestm Then Safeway, Then Food Lion....sme order as selection too I guess. Am I correct in that statement?


nikolasmor said:
But do you pay for that selection in price? Everyone says Giant is the highestm Then Safeway, Then Food Lion....sme order as selection too I guess. Am I correct in that statement?

Giant is high, you can get great deals at Safeway. On Sunday I bought a 4 pack of steaks at Safeway for 14 bucks, I thought they would be tough, we used two, put two in the freezer for another meal, they were so tender we used what was left for steak and mushroom omlets the next morning. Plus we still have the two in the freezer for possibly two more meals, not bad for 14 bucks.


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
If you go in the afternoon, there is a cashier that will scare you to death with her teeth and she chews gum, (not very conducive to buying food). :barf:
Yeah i know the one :killingme


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know why milk is $3.79 at the grocery stores and $2.29 at Wal*Mart and $2.39 at BJ's. Mark up is one thing but $1.50 per gallon???


willie said:
I'd like to know why milk is $3.79 at the grocery stores and $2.29 at Wal*Mart and $2.39 at BJ's. Mark up is one thing but $1.50 per gallon???

Milk is like gas, something they know we've got to buy.


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
I try to avoid that place at that time, but there is a really nice cashier in the morning.
Yeah, she seems to always be there...

And is Milk really 2.29 at walmart....geez I was at giant 2 days ago and it was 4 something


nikolasmor said:
Yeah, she seems to always be there...

And is Milk really 2.29 at walmart....geez I was at giant 2 days ago and it was 4 something

Unreal. I was at Bob Evans and they have those books. Things that were going on the year you were born. Milk was about super cheap the year I was born, I'm sure gas was really cheap too, I didn't want to look because I would get too depressed. :bawl:


New Member
Yeah, it was under a buck when I was born. don't remember the exact price......sigh. How times have changed
Bay_Kat said:
I usually buy sides and vegitables at Food Lion (much cheaper) for meats and seafood Safeway is always best. If you go the the PF Food Lion, go early and you can get better meats if you want to buy them there, plus the cashiers are a lot nicer. If you go in the afternoon, there is a cashier that will scare you to death with her teeth and she chews gum, (not very conducive to buying food). :barf:

A few weeks ago, I bought some tilapia filets from Safeway. I got home and found out my step-children would be here for dinner. I asked my husband to stop by Giant on his way home to pick up a few more filets. The ones from Giant were three times the size as the ones from Safeway. I've never had good luck with Safeway's meat selection either. :shrug:


New Member
With meats its better to find a good butcher,,, go in buying a 1/2 cow with a friend. meat comes out cheaper and a better grade.


Well-Known Member
USNavyMike said:
With meats its better to find a good butcher,,, go in buying a 1/2 cow with a friend. meat comes out cheaper and a better grade.
Nicks and then BJ's is the cheapest and the best meat around.

The Dude

You mean coitus?
I like Safeway for the $0.10 off a gallon if you spend $50 bucks. It's really the only reason I shop there...I don't know much about the meat at any of those places though. I know a bunch about my meat though...(I couldn't resist!) :lmao:


New Member
I only go into PF Food Lion to buy the Mary Jane and Friends bread. That is the best bread ever - hands down! Unfortunately, Food Lion is the only one that sells it (and K-mart, but I try to avoid that place too since it seems every time I go in there, I have to get a price check on something - whatever it is - the smallest item - and they never give you sale price at the register).

I've heard the same thing about Giant and Safeway as far as prices. I've shopped in both and thought that they were similar in quality. I've never really paid that close attention to the actual prices since I try to buy everything on sale. I have compared their sale ads side-by-side and they will pretty much match each other on prices except for the random $1.00 here or there difference. I've been a die-hard Giant shopper for quite a while. However, I have noticed that my shopping trips at Giant are costing me more and more.

I think this week I will try Safeway and see how I do there.