Opinions on the Following


West Philadelphia Raised
I wanted to get some opinions on the following albums...

John Legend - Evolver
I really dug his 1st album, Get Lifted, as well as most of the collaborative efforts he has been involved with. I enjoyed his 2nd album, but it was a little too slow for me. I like his more hip-hop inspired tracks. What are peoples opinions of it?

M.I.A. - Kala
Like everyone else, I really dig the song Paper Planes, and was wondering if the rest of the album is like it? I'm into electronica / alternative type music (Digitalism, Justice, UNKLE, etc) and, although the album has garnished astounding reviews, wanted to know peoples thoughts on it, as well as what type of music they like (possible help me get an idea of if I too will like it)

I would listen to both these albums online (via amazon/itunes/etc), but I dont have an internet connection at my current residence yet. (im doing this via work...shhh!!!)