Nobody checks I.D. cards. If someone presents themselves for Communion the priest will give the Eucharist to that person. The priest only witholds (and sometimes he does not) the Eucharist from someone who publicly and unapologetically lives in sin (let's say someone like Rosie), or supports what he/she knows is sin (let's say John Kerry and abortion). If a person such as your example came into church, he would be given the Sacrament. The priest does not have to know us personally and he does not have the right to judge what is in someone's heart. The priest may know that someone has a tendency to a particular sin, and they may even continue to live in sin in their own private lives, but the priest does not have any way of knowing if an individual happened to repent earlier that day. Does that make sense?I suppose your example might only be asked to leave if he was drunk and disruptive during Mass, which, I imagine, is the case almost anywhere.