Orthopedist who runs?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have an ortho they recommend, preferrably someone who is a runner? Saw Bauk yesterday, his advice was stop running and get a bike. Not quite what I had in mind as a solution. Hoping to get a second opinion from someone who might understand that giving up running entirely is not a first choice.


New Member
Dr. Travis, of the same medical group, runs. He has taken care of my torn ligaments / cartilage / over use injuries over the years. I learned through him that I over pronate, he suggested Saucony shoes and I have been great since. What diagnose did Bauk give you? By the size of him I don't think he runs much.


Well-Known Member
Bauk says it's patella alta based on x rays. Thinking maybe Spatz would be a good choice. Wishing Id done more research before making the appt