O's and Mark Teixeira.........


New Member
Do the O's REALLY have a shot winning the Teixeria Sweepstakes?? I would like to see it happen, but being an O's fan I have been let down for years. Would not expect anything different.

7 years 150 million is alot of money, plus he is a Maryland boy! Maybe he will give the O's the hometown discount.


Well-Known Member
Do the O's REALLY have a shot winning the Teixeria Sweepstakes?? I would like to see it happen, but being an O's fan I have been let down for years. Would not expect anything different.

7 years 150 million is alot of money, plus he is a Maryland boy! Maybe he will give the O's the hometown discount.

I wouldn't count on it. I predict....the return of Jeff Conine! :yahoo:



New Member
If Tex wants to come here, he will come here. I'm thinking its going to be an 8-10 yr. 180-200mil contract. If he does come here.


Well-Known Member
I guessing that he resigns with the Angels.
They have deep pockets and they basically gave away their young first baseman to get Teixeria. I can't see them giving up too easily. I think they have offered him an 8-year deal, so I have to think they have some serious bucks attached to it as well. About the only other team that might afford him is Boston, IMO.