O's Are Hot - Keep It Up


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The O's, who had a lousy May, have so far avoided the June swoon and are 12-2 lately, good enough to keep them within sight of the dreaded Rays, who are doing it with smoke and mirrors. But they are the dreaded Rays......:belvak:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Talk to me about their bull pen. it seems the recipe is one great starter, a couple good ones, a couple journeymen who can gut out innings and then a great bull pen. Last post season was some of the best baseball I can remember but I say that having quit on baseball when Angelos brought in Albert Bell and fired Davey.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The Nats had a nice run where they won 9 series in a row. With a very long season, teams tend to run hot & cold at time. It does create buzz when the local teams are doing well.

I saw on ESPN where the skinnies are picked to finish last in the division. Another season of low expectations for sure.