Osborn Variety show?


art imitating life
Anyone see it last night? I watched it during commercials of 90210. It hought it was kind funny... I think if you smoke some pot and then watch it.. it might be funnier :cool:


Well-Known Member
We watched it just to see what it was all about. It was stupid. It seemed all set up.


We watched it just to see what it was all about. It was stupid. It seemed all set up.

:yeahthat: I liked the Osborne reality show on MTV a few years ago but didn't really like this show. I turned it off after about 20 min. I'm a big Ozzie fan but did't really "get it" :ohwell:


New Member
I saw the end last night when Ozzy was spraying everyone with the foam, and then I tried to watch it this morning on Hulu.com. Um, yea, I got about 10 minutes into it and clicked it off. It looked interesting in the previews...but not really worth my time afterall.