Cyber Cop
Since publishing my web site the beginning of this month, I have received a lot of visitors from Thank you for that. However, I've noticed visits to my web site dwindling, so the novelty must be wearing off, at least within this community. Can anyone recommend any other web sites that would be a source of former Marlow Heights/PG County/DC area residents who grew up in those areas in the 60s and 70s? My web site is at my own expense and time, and I don't intend to generate any revenue from it. I just want to give people a nice place to reminisce about those areas way back when. I am also in the process of trying to add a guestbook and message board.
I've tried publishing my site with various search engines, and that will be a help, but I think the best "advertising" (hate to use that word, because I'm not trying to sell anything here) would be from local web sites. Recommendations?
I've tried publishing my site with various search engines, and that will be a help, but I think the best "advertising" (hate to use that word, because I'm not trying to sell anything here) would be from local web sites. Recommendations?