Out of the mouth of babes...


Habari Na Mijeldi
ARE THEY ALL YOURS ?!??: Out of the mouth of babes...

"My kids had the following conversation at the store yesterday, very loudly, and within ear shot of several other customers:

John (4 years old): Barack Obama, and the devil, and the government are worser than anything else in the world.

Isaac (5 years old): Mom, John actually told me that he thinks Barack Obama is worse than the ******s.

Ah, precious moments!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6"


I can promise, there was a shopper who was throwing eye ball daggers at ya! :lol:


Well-Known Member
ARE THEY ALL YOURS ?!??: Out of the mouth of babes...

"My kids had the following conversation at the store yesterday, very loudly, and within ear shot of several other customers:

John (4 years old): Barack Obama, and the devil, and the government are worser than anything else in the world.

Isaac (5 years old): Mom, John actually told me that he thinks Barack Obama is worse than the ******s.

Ah, precious moments!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6"
Nonno, I'm surprised to see you agree with this mother.


New Member
I have an "out of the mouths of babes" memory.

When my daughter (now 21 y/o) was 3, she came into my bathroom to use the toilet, while I was laying in the bathtub. I pulled the curtain closed, but when she was finished, she pulled the curtain back & looked me up and down and said, "Mommy, you look just like daddy, but Daddy has a tail on his".

For those of you that are going to comment about her seeing daddy's "tail"...... She walked in on him, fresh out of the shower while he was drying his hair with the towel. By the time he realized she was standing there & dropped the towel to cover himself, it was too late. She never made a comment about it, until the bathtub scene.