Outlook Express/Metrocast


Alright, at the risk of sounding like a computer dumbass -I've got an issue receiving incoming mail through my metrocast outlook account.

I just got hooked up this last weekend, hooked up email fine-no prob...can send outgoing email like a champ. Realized yesterday that nothing is showing up my inbox and I know there has been items sent....everytime I hit send/receive to dble check I get the username/password box popping up. I enter crap and hit okay...it "authorizes" for a second and then the dayum box pops up again. It's not until I hit cancel that I get the Password failed box and failed to connect blurbs. I have dble checked my settings, I have dble checked the pw, I have even temporarily disabled my email scanning virus software as a just in case. I called the help desk a little bit ago and they just reset the password.

Still having the same effing issue. Didn't want to call them back just yet....figured I'd bug y'all smart peeps first. Any ideas.


ya, got the incoming as pop.md.metrocast.net and the outgoing as smtp.md.metrocast.net. Support guy even dble checked those and they're cool.


OMG, I'm a ditz.....I just tried a different username....instead of typing in just the username I typed in the whole email address and that worked. I don't know why it took me 3 friggen days to come up with that great idea :duh: Nevermind y'all. :lol:


Does my butt look big?
You changed your email address to the new address?? I did not get mail for a few days until I changed it to md.metrocast.net It still showed as gmpexpress.net I think...good luck..


Email Configuration

You may want to try a couple areas. Go into the email account edit. The first thing that I would verify is your server information. You should have incoming and outgoing addresses. Your outgoing is generally smtp.domain.com and your incoming is mail.domain.com....or whatever the requirements are for your hosting service. If this doesn't work, go to the advanced settings. Some email STMP servers require authentication. You can select one of the different styles of settings here. Just choose the appropriate setting. You may also have to ensure that the POP connection settings are set up right as well. Most use a POP setting of 110/80 but sometimes, depending on your service, they require a 110/25 or something like that. This is also located in your advanced settings.


ComplxMind said:
Well...after all that typing, I see that you figured it out yourself. Congrats.

thanks for taking the time anyways. It's always the simple stuff. Had gone through dble checking all the more tedious reasons first. :dork: :lol:


Well, you won't get much of a fight from me. I've only posted a few times since signing up so it won't affect my status at all. I'm a newbie whatever the case. Plenty of time to add my two-cents worth. haha.