Alright, at the risk of sounding like a computer dumbass -I've got an issue receiving incoming mail through my metrocast outlook account.
I just got hooked up this last weekend, hooked up email fine-no prob...can send outgoing email like a champ. Realized yesterday that nothing is showing up my inbox and I know there has been items sent....everytime I hit send/receive to dble check I get the username/password box popping up. I enter crap and hit "authorizes" for a second and then the dayum box pops up again. It's not until I hit cancel that I get the Password failed box and failed to connect blurbs. I have dble checked my settings, I have dble checked the pw, I have even temporarily disabled my email scanning virus software as a just in case. I called the help desk a little bit ago and they just reset the password.
Still having the same effing issue. Didn't want to call them back just yet....figured I'd bug y'all smart peeps first. Any ideas.
I just got hooked up this last weekend, hooked up email fine-no prob...can send outgoing email like a champ. Realized yesterday that nothing is showing up my inbox and I know there has been items sent....everytime I hit send/receive to dble check I get the username/password box popping up. I enter crap and hit "authorizes" for a second and then the dayum box pops up again. It's not until I hit cancel that I get the Password failed box and failed to connect blurbs. I have dble checked my settings, I have dble checked the pw, I have even temporarily disabled my email scanning virus software as a just in case. I called the help desk a little bit ago and they just reset the password.
Still having the same effing issue. Didn't want to call them back just yet....figured I'd bug y'all smart peeps first. Any ideas.