
Larry Gude

Strung Out
...is a bit bleak, I'll admit.

There will be, of course, four divisions winners in the NFC. That leaves four teams that are at least a game better than us plus the Rams and Eagles with the same record as us with 5 to go.

Step one is our own business and if we don't beat the Rams and then the Cards we won't be mathematically gone but most likely dead with three weeks to go because not everyone is gonna go 0-2 this next two.

Say we go 5-0 from here. We gotta beat the Rams and Cards, gotta. There's no reason we can't sweep the Boys, we owe the Giants one and you have to beat division opponents who've lost their #1 WR and QB, the Eagles.

Dallas has the Giants, KC, us and Carolina as tough games, finishing with the Rams who are just dangerous. They go 3-2 to our 5-0 we tie at 10-6 and beat them by virtue of sweeping them. All that would take is us winning and the Giants beating them, a game one of them is going to lose.

So, whomever, Dallas or the Giants, we have a two loss scenario that gets us past one, maybe both, of them.

The Giants face the Boys this week, Philly, KC, us and Oakland. It's possible to see three losses there even if they beat Dallas.

In any event, we could get ahead of one of them for Wild Card.

You gotta believe the Bears take the North and Seattle out West.

Tampa and Atlanta need to slip up with Atlanta facing the Bears, Cats twice and the Bucs one more. They COULD fall all the way out. The Bucs may only lose two, ending our hopes unless we win the division. IF Carolina slips up real bad it would be to Atlantas gain, playing each other twice yet. NFC South is gonna give us a bunch of playoff like games down the stretch.

Let's just count on the Vikings losing two and we can take out the Rams ourselves.

So, 5-0, that's first.

We all know that we play every game close, Joe Ball, and close just needs the right break to be a W.

I think 5-0 is a bit much to rely on 'close'. I think Joe needs to go ahead with Brunnel and put some pressure on him; quit playing to not lose and go ahead and try and make an extra first down late so we can run the clock out. We get played for the run anyway late. Give Mark a shot. Ask more of him.

Don't play for a field goal after the defense hands you Gold; play for the TD and then take the FG if you have to.

We're not done yet.


New Member
I think the team that wins tonight...will win the Superbowl. Steelers may just pull one out, but the Colt's finally got the record they need for home field throught out. Cincy may play a roll in this, I'll give them a few more years. Pat's are done and I don't see any team in the NFC beating either of these teams. San Diego showed yesterday they are beatable(overtime win)...on the road. Big Ben is playing tonight....should be a great game. Alot of 5 pointers go down the drain if the Steelers pull this one off.


Asperger's Poster Child
I don't follow the 'Skins, but I wonder if it was a mistake for Joe Gibbs to come back. For years fans have considered him almost a god, and no coach could live up to that kind of reputation.

This afternoon, Don and Mike were lampooning the fact that Larry Michaels sounds depressed during the postgame shows. They played a Michaels soundbite backed with a funeral dirge.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I recall...

Tonio said:
I don't follow the 'Skins, but I wonder if it was a mistake for Joe Gibbs to come back. For years fans have considered him almost a god, and no coach could live up to that kind of reputation.

...you said just that when he did come back. It's created excitement and interest and the team is a handful of plays from being anywhere from 3-8 to 8-3.

Why a 'mistake'? Tarnish the image?


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Why a 'mistake'? Tarnish the image?
That was part of my reasoning then and part of my reasoning now.

My other point is this: what does it say about the 'Skins when a handful of plays can make or break the team? A Gibbs-coached team shouldn't be in that position in the first place.


Nothing to see here
Tonio said:
My other point is this: what does it say about the 'Skins when a handful of plays can make or break the team? A Gibbs-coached team shouldn't be in that position in the first place.

A typical NFL game has 3 to 4 plays that make or break a team. Seems to me that Gibbs has been quoted many times stressing that. The teams that won Super Bowls against Denver and Miami were prime examples of that. Many times during those seasons, the Skins came out on top just because of the 3 or 4 pivotal plays. The bounce of the ball hasn't gone the Skins way this year. Considering the turnover ratio, we shouldn't even be 5-6.

I don't see the Skins running the table and even 4 out of 5 is not gonna get them to the playoffs,IMO.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Tonio said:
That was part of my reasoning then and part of my reasoning now.

My other point is this: what does it say about the 'Skins when a handful of plays can make or break the team? A Gibbs-coached team shouldn't be in that position in the first place.

...but Gibbs, as far as 'tarnish' is getting $5,000,000 per season to take on a challenge I'm sure he was itching to get back into again.

Vermeil came back. Parcells.

Tarnish is a word you and I use. So, put another way, what would possibly possess him to give a crap what we think if he is satisfied that he truly wants to give it another go and honestly feels he's up to it?

He's not some drunk in a bar taking a dare that he would never consider sober.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am clueless as to what planet Boz has been on...

otter said:
Tom Boswells column today is a must read...A real eye opener(WashPost link,might need an ID)


I dug up this stat because I suspected the Redskins might be surprisingly bad. For the last decade, those who run the team, as well as those who root for it, have lived in a fantasyland, assuming that the team was just a new coach or a couple of players away from contending again. But I never dreamed the Redskins had fallen so far.


Almost everybody in this town, including me, has been judging this team with a warped yardstick for many years. That has ugly consequences. A bad team realizes that it will require considerable improvement just to become mediocre. To reach "good" and "very good," much less "great" is a long-term project. Yet, for at least the last 10 seasons, ever since Norv Turner's '96 team got back above .500 (9-7), Washington has expected that a return to Redskins glory was imminent.

Yes, I am ever full of hope but I've been living in agony since Super Bowl 26. Watching Gibbs final year was sad. Ritchie was sadder still. Turk not getting the snap down against Tampa Bay for the short field goal that would have put us in the NFC Championship game was mind numbing. Then the firing of Norv with three games left the NEXT year???

We've all suffered, SUFFERED through Snyders inconsistancy, marketing genius and utter failure to provide the one thing required; stability.

Marty ball: Not Norv-ball, gotta reshape the team.

Air Spurrier: Change everything again.

Back to Joe: MORE change.

You can't just go from a balance team to smashmouth to offensive and then to ultra conservative and snap your fingers to have the right personel.

I think Boz has it backwards; in spite of our hopes and being fan(atics) we are acutely aware of the things we have missing from winning teams.

Just because we'll never stop showing up and always hope for the best doesn't mean we're blind.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...is a bit bleak, I'll admit.

There will be, of course, four divisions winners in the NFC. That leaves four teams that are at least a game better than us plus the Rams and Eagles with the same record as us with 5 to go.

Step one is our own business and if we don't beat the Rams and then the Cards we won't be mathematically gone but most likely dead with three weeks to go because not everyone is gonna go 0-2 this next two.

Say we go 5-0 from here. We gotta beat the Rams and Cards, gotta. There's no reason we can't sweep the Boys, we owe the Giants one and you have to beat division opponents who've lost their #1 WR and QB, the Eagles.

Dallas has the Giants, KC, us and Carolina as tough games, finishing with the Rams who are just dangerous. They go 3-2 to our 5-0 we tie at 10-6 and beat them by virtue of sweeping them. All that would take is us winning and the Giants beating them, a game one of them is going to lose.

So, whomever, Dallas or the Giants, we have a two loss scenario that gets us past one, maybe both, of them.

The Giants face the Boys this week, Philly, KC, us and Oakland. It's possible to see three losses there even if they beat Dallas.

In any event, we could get ahead of one of them for Wild Card.

You gotta believe the Bears take the North and Seattle out West.

Tampa and Atlanta need to slip up with Atlanta facing the Bears, Cats twice and the Bucs one more. They COULD fall all the way out. The Bucs may only lose two, ending our hopes unless we win the division. IF Carolina slips up real bad it would be to Atlantas gain, playing each other twice yet. NFC South is gonna give us a bunch of playoff like games down the stretch.

Let's just count on the Vikings losing two and we can take out the Rams ourselves.

So, 5-0, that's first.

We all know that we play every game close, Joe Ball, and close just needs the right break to be a W.

I think 5-0 is a bit much to rely on 'close'. I think Joe needs to go ahead with Brunnel and put some pressure on him; quit playing to not lose and go ahead and try and make an extra first down late so we can run the clock out. We get played for the run anyway late. Give Mark a shot. Ask more of him.

Don't play for a field goal after the defense hands you Gold; play for the TD and then take the FG if you have to.

We're not done yet.

:yay: Good stuff in hindsight