Ovie's hurt!


Well-Known Member
Its not all that its made out to be. Yes Im sure he is banged up, no way hes not banged up the way he plays 110% every night, its a good time to rest him, as coach said Caps had 1 game in 6 days and then resting him for maybe 3 more games gives him time to get the aches and pains out for the playoffs. I'd rather have him well rested for playoffs instead of still going out every night with pains and aches and playing.


New Member
'Nagging injury' means Ovi to sit one game - NHL.com - NHL Insider

I KNEW it! How else to explain his drop-off this season? Everyone who said he was lazy or too fat can eat their words now.

Channel 8 this morning said it would be at least THREE games so I am a little worried about how serious these nagging injuries are. He certainly hasn't looked hurt lately like he did earlier in the season. Get well soon Ovie! LET'S GO CAPS!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Tonight's game will be interesting...so many players out :jameo: Rest up for the playoffs guys, that's when we'll really need you :dye: