P90X My First Month


New Member
Im done with my first month of p90x and I am glad I spent the money. I know I wont look like the people on the ads after 3 months, but it is a good workout. I am doing the p90x lean program, there are 3 different workouts to pick from, and I chose this one to start, burning pounds and inches before bulking up. I have lost 14 lbs and 2 inches from my waist in the first month.

Diet-I have not followed the nutrition guide that comes with the program, but I have changed my eating habits. Most of my dinners are grilled with a salad and fat free dressing. I eat smaller portions, eat till im full, not stuffed. The 90 and 100 calorie snack packs, fruit(normally 2 pieces a day), raw carrots, small cans of tuna in water, and weight watchers icecream sandwiches, all make good snacks. I eat turkey bologna(it tastes the same) or a smart ones for lunch. I drink about a gallon of water a day.

Likes and dislikes- The program is flexable and for alot of the exercises, they give you 2 or 3 different ways to do it. Kempo is my favorite, followed by cardio, ab ripper and core. Shoulders, back, arms, legs are all good workouts. Stretch is okay and I dont like yoga, my body can not bend like that and my balance stinks, but it will improve over time. The different work outs each day are nice. Tony has some good tips and advice, but he can be annoying also.

Someone else on the forums suggested this and it worked good for me also. Count week one as a test week, get into a routine and just spend the first week learning the different workouts. Dont start counting your weeks till your start week 2.


I have heard good things about this program. However, I am trying to put on weight, not lose it. I have been hitting the gym usually monday-thursday. Time just has not been on my side lately. I would say I have changed my diet alot also, which has helped the most in bulking up some. I have noticed I have more energy throughout the day too when I work out and eat properly.


New Member
I have heard good things about this program. However, I am trying to put on weight, not lose it. I have been hitting the gym usually monday-thursday. Time just has not been on my side lately. I would say I have changed my diet alot also, which has helped the most in bulking up some. I have noticed I have more energy throughout the day too when I work out and eat properly.

They have 3 different programs in the set, there is one geared more towards bulking up, most of the workouts are about an hour each day.