P90X nutrition


Active Member
How many people have used the exersice and nutrition plan and saw good results and how many people didn't use the nutrition plan but did the exersice and saw results. What about the recovery drinks and vitamin mineral supplement offered by P90X. Any one use them? TIA


New Member
How many people have used the exersice and nutrition plan and saw good results and how many people didn't use the nutrition plan but did the exersice and saw results. What about the recovery drinks and vitamin mineral supplement offered by P90X. Any one use them? TIA

I have been using power 90(pre P90X) for about 3 months. I don't follow any diet. I have lost about 20lbs. Some from the workout some from some stomach problems I was having during the fall. The workout def took inches off and let me maintain my weight. I am a male at 5'10" 190 lbs. The workouts get a little boring after a while because it's only cardio and sculpting. I also substitute a protein shake for breakfast. My wife has lost about 10 lbs and several inches. We are going to move up to P90X when i get the money.


New Member
I followed the message of the plan, but not the plan itself. I did high protein low fat/carb and the exercise. Lost 25lbs over the 90 days, 15 in the first 60.