Pacman to change nickname to "DigDug"



Dallas Cowboys cornerback Pacman Jones announced today that he no longer wants to be known as Pacman Jones, but instead Dig Dug Jones: “Pacman is a straight up pussy game compared to Dig Dug,” said Jones. “Pacman just eats stuff. In Dig Dug you could blow people up or crush them with a rock. That’s totally how I roll.”

Jones is working to change his image after a season of being out of the NFL due to a league suspension for multiple arrests.

“People are doubting me, so I have to come stronger and harder than ever,” said Jones. “I don’t need people saying I’m some small, little yellow guy or cracking on me calling me ‘Ms. Pacman.’ No way. I mean, notice there was never any ‘Ms. Dig Dug.’ That’s because Dig Dug would drop a rock on a #####.”

Dallas owner Jerry Jones says he is happy to have the troubled player in a Cowboys uniform regardless of his name.

“This is a fine young man who made a few mistakes,” said Jerry Jones. “And we are simply allowing him a chance to prove himself. I expect nothing but the best behavior from Dig Douglas.”

The former Titans star hopes to live up to his owner’s expectations.

“I don’t know how many more chances I’ll get,” he said. “You can only hit the reset button so many times before all of your accomplishments are tainted. Dig Dug taught me that. And now the whole league is about to be taught that you don’t f—k with Dig Dug Jones. And that goes for everyone – wide receivers, quarterbacks, red, glasses-wearing tomato-looking things, even fire-breathing green dragons. Dig Dug will mess you up.”


“Pacman just eats stuff. In Dig Dug you could blow people up or crush them with a rock. That’s totally how I roll.”

He's got a point. Dig-Dug is the ####.

Although following his logic, they should just start calling him Master Chief, Samus, or Solid Snake.


Football addict


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I bowl overhand
“This is a fine young man who made a few mistakes,” said Jerry Jones. “And we are simply allowing him a chance to prove himself. I expect nothing but the best behavior from Dig Douglas.”

A moron working for a moron...


OK, I took it hook line and sinker..


What's sad is I believed the guy to be ignorant enough to say these things and actually change his nickname.

sorry..that really wasn't my plan...that's why i put from sportspickle at the's my fault for thinking everyone is as low brow as me...:lmao:

but the website is pretty funny and it's updated every Wed and there are years of archives....

but yeah, most of DJ Gallo's humor is stuff that is hilarious because it borders on being logical.


OK, I took it hook line and sinker..


What's sad is I believed the guy to be ignorant enough to say these things and actually change his nickname.

I have to admit, I belived it as well.

But I could totally see him saying all of that!


That's a shame, because DigDug as a nickname would be bomb-diggity.

In fact, I'm changing my nickname to DigDug.

I tried that name I even used digger as my Karoke stage name.

its just too many d's and g's for me.

good luck with the name changes though:lmao: