PAGING Mr. Hogan.... Rarry WHERE YOU?


Honorary SMIB
So, y'all are voting for Alsobrooks?

While I disagreed with Hogan on quite a few issues the bottom line is that he a had a veto-proof Legislature and once Busch and Miller died the crazies took over.

The last couple years they passed things they knew would be vetoed just so they could say they overrode it. Not to mention taking away the Governor's input on paroles and what outside the state lawsuits the Attorney General could pursue (that's how Frosch kept suing Trump for stuff in DC and New York).
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Active Member
at this point I'd rather have democrats run a crap show into the ground.. than a rhino erode our rights and be a traitor.
At least the democrats can't blame republicans when crap goes south. I don't think this forum has enough influence to sway elections anyway
and there are plenty of morons in MD to out number the reasonable people. They will vote for the stupidest crap. Effectively voting is a waste of
time for anyone with a brain in MD. I definitely dont' want to see traitor hogan further his career any.. That would be a good plus for alsobrooks winning.. and worth it.. God forbid we see that traitor have a future shot at president.


Honorary SMIB
Think long term. Hogan becomes a Senator and he'll caucus with the Republicans. Whoever wins the state will possibly be the one who determines control of the Senate. It looks like it will go Republican anyway but having one more in it will pad the margin.

Now, do I hope the Majority Leader is McConnell? No. Mostly age related but he, like most of them, is too Establishment.

I appreciate many of you didn't like him as Governor but look at what/who he had to deal with. As far as Covid goes, there's enough blame to go around.


Active Member
Think long term. Hogan becomes a Senator and he'll caucus with the Republicans. Whoever wins the state will possibly be the one who determines control of the Senate. It looks like it will go Republican anyway but having one more in it will pad the margin.

Now, do I hope the Majority Leader is McConnell? No. Mostly age related but he, like most of them, is too Establishment.

I appreciate many of you didn't like him as Governor but look at what/who he had to deal with. As far as Covid goes, there's enough blame to go around.

I suspect that might be the philosophy that got other rinos in congress that screwed us on certain things in the past. I'd rather democrats make big mistakes so people can feel the pain, than have a rino traitor slowly dissolving our rights little by little so it's not as noticable. I don't want to be the frog in the pot of water.


Honorary SMIB
I suspect that might be the philosophy that got other rinos in congress that screwed us on certain things in the past. I'd rather democrats make big mistakes so people can feel the pain, than have a rino traitor slowly dissolving our rights little by little so it's not as noticable. I don't want to be the frog in the pot of water.
And when, ever, does any Democrat at any level get called for a mistake? In my forty years living in Calvert, with over twenty being an elected official, I can only remember once. That's when County Commissioner Hagner Mister, correctly, told the people in Dunkirk that they were going to have to get sewer someday because their septics were going bad. He lost the next election for saying the quiet part out loud.

Then there's Jeff Long who beat the dog s h i t out of his aunt and uncle and was arrested. Charges dropped.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

And when, ever, does any Democrat at any level get called for a mistake? In my forty years living in Calvert, with over twenty being an elected official, I can only remember once. That's when County Commissioner Hagner Mister, correctly, told the people in Dunkirk that they were going to have to get sewer someday because their septics were going bad. He lost the next election for saying the quiet part out loud.

Then there's Jeff Long who beat the dog s h i t out of his aunt and uncle and was arrested. Charges dropped.

Sure would be nice if some good hearted developers would build some apartment, err, affordable housing up there in Dunkirk. I'm sure they would welcome some new neighbors.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Dunkirk Town Center zoning doesn't allow them.

Thinking their town center zoning plan needs a revisit and a revision to allow them. The rest of the county shouldn't be so selfish keeping all the affordable housing to themselves. We must allow them to be able to share in the good tidings.

Btw. Is DACA still a thing after Sholg-n-hop left the county?


Honorary SMIB
For your consideration ...

Thinking their town center zoning plan needs a revisit and a revision to allow them. The rest of the county shouldn't be so selfish keeping all the affordable housing to themselves. We must allow them to be able to share in the good tidings.

Btw. Is DACA still a thing after Sholg-n-hop left the county?
Yes. They're still influential, just have been quiet lately. They're one reason McKonkey is no longer a Commissioner (well, Grasso led the charge because of his ethics issues).