Pain in outer thighs


New Member
This really is a 'medical issue' per se....I recently (a few months ago) got a office job where I sit behind a desk for 9 hours a day. For about a month now, I have been having moderate pains in my outer thighs and they are tender to the touch (more so the left thigh). I started stretching daily and it hasn't helped much. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions as to what this is and how to get rid of it???? :shrug:


New Member
This really is a 'medical issue' per se....I recently (a few months ago) got a office job where I sit behind a desk for 9 hours a day. For about a month now, I have been having moderate pains in my outer thighs and they are tender to the touch (more so the left thigh). I started stretching daily and it hasn't helped much. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions as to what this is and how to get rid of it???? :shrug:

It's nothing - get back to work.


I bowl overhand
This really is a 'medical issue' per se....I recently (a few months ago) got a office job where I sit behind a desk for 9 hours a day. For about a month now, I have been having moderate pains in my outer thighs and they are tender to the touch (more so the left thigh). I started stretching daily and it hasn't helped much. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions as to what this is and how to get rid of it???? :shrug:

Are you a fatty??

I mean if you're like 700 pounds and your squeezing it into an office chair.. no wonder your outer thighs hurt..


I had a problem with my office chair once where my knees were hurting a lot,,,come to find out I noticed that my chair was tilting in a way that I was putting a strain on my knees to hold the chair in the position that was best for a new chair, achey knees went away....try another chair....


New Member
This really is a 'medical issue' per se....I recently (a few months ago) got a office job where I sit behind a desk for 9 hours a day. For about a month now, I have been having moderate pains in my outer thighs and they are tender to the touch (more so the left thigh). I started stretching daily and it hasn't helped much. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions as to what this is and how to get rid of it???? :shrug:

Try changing your lumbar support, could be sciatica

Big Fatty

This really is a 'medical issue' per se....I recently (a few months ago) got a office job where I sit behind a desk for 9 hours a day. For about a month now, I have been having moderate pains in my outer thighs and they are tender to the touch (more so the left thigh). I started stretching daily and it hasn't helped much. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions as to what this is and how to get rid of it???? :shrug:

Look up foam rolling for self-myofacial release. Also start stretching hips, i.e. IT Band, Hip Flexors, and Hip Rotator muscles.

Start getting up more often during the day. Exercise regularly. Eat healthier.