Pain & Numbness

dog lover

New Member
Last Thursday I started having pain in the center of my back. Woke up Friday with pain in the center of my back going to my shoulders,neck,arms and jaw. I am also having one of the worst headaches that will not go away.
Along with the pain I am experiencing numbness in all of these areas. I had a CT scan done yesterday and everything turned out okay. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist.

I have taken 3 Advil to try and alleviate the pain but am having no luck. My doctor will not give me anything for pain but prescribed an antibiotic. Is there anything else I could try for the pain?

When I asked why I was being given an antibiotic he said lets start with the antibiotic and CT scan. I do not understand why I was given an antibiotic when I have not been diagnosed with a bacterial infection. Am I missing something here?

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a neurologist? I tried getting an appointment with Dr. Harry Kerasidis but he is booked through January.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a cardiologist?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I see Dr. Kerasidis's NP. There is a neurology dept. at the Shah Associates, St. Mary's Medical Center in Charlotte Hall. Also, there is Beena Shah in the Bean building but I think she stays very booked up. I would avoid Dr. Reel.


New Member
If you don't mind making a trip,see Jack Cochran in Alexandria. At the top of his field and an absolute expert,very respected. Avoiding Reel is the understatement of the year,don't waste your time and money with him.


New Member
Dr Kafaji is great for a nuerologist. He is in the Shah building in Charlotte Hall...301-290-1528 or 301-290-1510.

Last Thursday I started having pain in the center of my back. Woke up Friday with pain in the center of my back going to my shoulders,neck,arms and jaw. I am also having one of the worst headaches that will not go away.
Along with the pain I am experiencing numbness in all of these areas. I had a CT scan done yesterday and everything turned out okay. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist.

I have taken 3 Advil to try and alleviate the pain but am having no luck. My doctor will not give me anything for pain but prescribed an antibiotic. Is there anything else I could try for the pain?

When I asked why I was being given an antibiotic he said lets start with the antibiotic and CT scan. I do not understand why I was given an antibiotic when I have not been diagnosed with a bacterial infection. Am I missing something here?

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a neurologist? I tried getting an appointment with Dr. Harry Kerasidis but he is booked through January.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a cardiologist?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
How are you feeling? Any better? Sometimes the change of weather can bring out aches/pains. Especially when the weather goes from one extreme to another like it has been.:flowers:

dog lover

New Member
How are you feeling? Any better? Sometimes the change of weather can bring out aches/pains. Especially when the weather goes from one extreme to another like it has been.:flowers:[/QUOT

Unfortunetly still feeling the same. I have an appointment next week with a cardiologist. Still trying to find a neurologist who isn't booked for the next 3-4 months.


New Member
Last Thursday I started having pain in the center of my back. Woke up Friday with pain in the center of my back going to my shoulders,neck,arms and jaw. I am also having one of the worst headaches that will not go away.
Along with the pain I am experiencing numbness in all of these areas. I had a CT scan done yesterday and everything turned out okay. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist.

I have taken 3 Advil to try and alleviate the pain but am having no luck. My doctor will not give me anything for pain but prescribed an antibiotic. Is there anything else I could try for the pain?

When I asked why I was being given an antibiotic he said lets start with the antibiotic and CT scan. I do not understand why I was given an antibiotic when I have not been diagnosed with a bacterial infection. Am I missing something here?

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a neurologist? I tried getting an appointment with Dr. Harry Kerasidis but he is booked through January.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a cardiologist?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my take on it - you had back pain. You then had tension,from the pain,that led to an irritation of your occipital and/or trigeminal nerves,which manifests as headache and facial pain. I would not be fearful or alarmed by this,because to put it simply,you did not experience the headache as the primary cause. Severe headache,numbness,red flags. Headache subsequent to back pain,not so much. I would venture a guess that your head pain is running along a trail from the neck up the sides forward,meaning not like a band but more like if you held your hands splayed out on each side it would encompass where it hurts. CT is standard C.Y.A. for all new/severe head pain,and the antibiotic was most likely the same. Pain in your face/jaw could have been-and this is again a C.Y.A. issue,not something that sounds like what you are having - a dental infection,sinus infection,sinus thrombosis,and so forth. So,your doc was just doing his diligence. His thought process was most likely that he figured it *might* help,wouldn't hurt,and would protect him in the extremely off chance one of those things was happening. It's always important to remember that doctors are trained to see the body as parts-so when you see a neuro,that is his deal,the cardio,same. But always bear in mind that especially with headaches,your whole body functions as a collective. A lot of people think when they take medicine for headache,that the drug helped them,when in fact,it was the water they drank with it,they were simply dehydrated. Your head pain is almost certainly due to the back pain/injury/strain. And your doc knows this,too,I suspect,which is why he isn't in panic mode. One more thing,the numbness sets off in my mind even more of a concern for your back,because it gives me the thought of a compressed nerve. I am assuming the cardio was to r/o any sort of cardiovascular disease which in women,heart attack symptoms can present as you described,minus the headache. Here is what I would do if it were me. You should have been given the CT,had your cardiac enzymes run,and an EKG. I would have skipped the antibiotic,but I'm a drug-phobe. If you didn't get those cardiac enzymes,or the EKG,I'd call and ask why,and I would definitely ask the cardiologist. Just an FYI,I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE,Dr.Lundergan and Trabb in Leonardtown. I realize this is a rambling reply,but I hope it helps you.


New Member
One more thing for the pain. If this is your back,try this-use heat,and also,lie on your back with your legs elevated. As if you were "sitting" on your back,have your calves resting on the couch,bent at the knee.Even better,have someone else gently support your legs on their lap and in this same position,GENTLY move your legs from side to side,holding them together. I've used this with patients and it works very well for back pain. One more thing,you may find when you describe your pain to the cardio that he will order an abdominal ultrasound. This may seems nuts,but he may do a little C.Y.A. of his own and want an image of your abdominal aorta. This is far more specific to your pain - it can present as back pain - and not at all related to the headache.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Last Thursday I started having pain in the center of my back. Woke up Friday with pain in the center of my back going to my shoulders,neck,arms and jaw. I am also having one of the worst headaches that will not go away.
Along with the pain I am experiencing numbness in all of these areas. I had a CT scan done yesterday and everything turned out okay. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist.

I have taken 3 Advil to try and alleviate the pain but am having no luck. My doctor will not give me anything for pain but prescribed an antibiotic. Is there anything else I could try for the pain?

When I asked why I was being given an antibiotic he said lets start with the antibiotic and CT scan. I do not understand why I was given an antibiotic when I have not been diagnosed with a bacterial infection. Am I missing something here?

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a neurologist? I tried getting an appointment with Dr. Harry Kerasidis but he is booked through January.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a cardiologist?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have been in constant pain like yours for the past week. I went to the dr on Monday and am FINALLY feeling better. I have a pinched nerve in my upper back which radiates the pain down my right arm. The pain is from muscle spasm's and my entire arm including my fingers will go numb.

Does it feel less painful if you hold your arm up over your head bent at the elbow? If you answer yes, then you too probably have a pinched nerve. I'm on percoset, naprosen, steroid (5 days only) and indocen. And I start physical therapy tomorrow morning.

I feel your pain believe me! I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy!!!


I see Dr. Kerasidis's NP. There is a neurology dept. at the Shah Associates, St. Mary's Medical Center in Charlotte Hall. Also, there is Beena Shah in the Bean building but I think she stays very booked up. I would avoid Dr. Reel.
Doc Beena is good, but getting an appointment takes awhile.

dog lover

New Member
I have been in constant pain like yours for the past week. I went to the dr on Monday and am FINALLY feeling better. I have a pinched nerve in my upper back which radiates the pain down my right arm. The pain is from muscle spasm's and my entire arm including my fingers will go numb.

Does it feel less painful if you hold your arm up over your head bent at the elbow? If you answer yes, then you too probably have a pinched nerve. I'm on percoset, naprosen, steroid (5 days only) and indocen. And I start physical therapy tomorrow morning.

I feel your pain believe me! I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy!!!

I tried holding my arm over my head bent at the elbow but I don't get any relief. The numbness is worse in my face and arms and the pain will not go away. I need to find another doctor. The one I see can take the Advil for himself.
Glad your doctor is helping you and hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
Last Thursday I started having pain in the center of my back. Woke up Friday with pain in the center of my back going to my shoulders,neck,arms and jaw. I am also having one of the worst headaches that will not go away.
Along with the pain I am experiencing numbness in all of these areas. I had a CT scan done yesterday and everything turned out okay. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist.

I have taken 3 Advil to try and alleviate the pain but am having no luck. My doctor will not give me anything for pain but prescribed an antibiotic. Is there anything else I could try for the pain?

When I asked why I was being given an antibiotic he said lets start with the antibiotic and CT scan. I do not understand why I was given an antibiotic when I have not been diagnosed with a bacterial infection. Am I missing something here?

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a neurologist? I tried getting an appointment with Dr. Harry Kerasidis but he is booked through January.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a cardiologist?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Based on your second sentence, it sounds like you have a pinched nerve, if the pain radiates to your shoulders, neck, etc..
You might want to see a Chiropractor (sp?).