Painful picture...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

This doesn't stop until we come to grips that this is OUR fault. They answer the call and go and do what we ask.

Kid from up here;

Frederick Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan - The Frederick News-Post Online

"I wish the American people could truly understand the dedication and sacrifice that Lance Vogeler made for his country," Col. Michael E. Kurilla, commander, 75th Ranger Regiment, said in the news release. "Since December 2001, Lance has either been in combat or training for combat. This was his 12th combat deployment. Lance was the quintessential Ranger; he is a hero to our Nation, the Army, and his family."

People like this will NOT stop answering the call of duty. We have to, we MUST be far more respectful of them and their sense of duty and obligation by being more serious about our duties as citizens.

12 combat tours. They won't quit until we stop them and say thank you. Or they get destroyed. Their communities lose them, their families lose them, the nation loses them.

And for what? ####ing Afghanistan?????