Palin scrubs her own wikipedia page!


Habari Na Mijeldi
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | Palin scrubs her own wikipedia page!

NPR just had a story about a flurry of mostly-positive edits that occurred to Sarah Palin's wikipedia page, 45 minutes before her VP candidacy was leaked--including edits that removed/downplayed references to the brother-in-law scandal. The author of those edits? An anonymous user with the handle "YoungTrig." Trig--I'm sure just coincidentally--is the name of Palin's infant son.

The NPR story noted that editing your own page on wikipedia is considered a "no-no," according to their terms of use.

Audio of the NPR story here shortly:

Hmm. I guess we can expect the kind of wonderful transparency and honesty from the McCain/Palin administration that we have seen for the past eight years.


In My Opinion
is that as bad as suing a radio station to make them stop reporting incriminating news about you and your running mate?
or demanding that for every conservative comment, there is given equal time to every liberal comment regardless of the radio station or periodical?

Im just curious you know.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
More leftwing bull#### from NPR. :rolleyes:

They have no proof whatsoever that Palin scrubbed her own page, yet they ran with the story anyway and some stupid blogger is now the expert on it all. And since when is editing your own page against Wiki rules anyway? If the page contains misinformation, you'd think the perfect one to correct it would be the person themselves.



This Space for Rent
Anybody who believes that both parties don't have people always watching/updating wiki is naive.