Well-Known Member
Here is something interesting - What if our government is trying a "Paradigm Shift"? Here is the set up - Bring millions of people from a wide range of Countries, in into the United States. Introduce a virus that we are told is so dangerous that everyone is to receive an unproven & experiental vaccine. If the people don't want it, force it on them with various threats such as losing their job, etc. Close down everyone's job and tell them it is for their own protection. Tell them they still need to take shot after shot. Meanwhile, have zero requirement for any of the the people coming across the border. And intentionally bankrupt this Country. Is there an intent to weaken the citizens of the United States and have others who invade our Couintry stronger? I have heard talk of a New One World Order. But, I still don't believe it. I think it is just conspiracy theories. However, If the invasion is not just to swing all elections to Democrats, than what else could it be used for? Hasn't the Paradigm Shift already occured or still is? Maybe so.


Well-Known Member
Here is something interesting - What if our government is trying a "Paradigm Shift"? Here is the set up - Bring millions of people from a wide range of Countries, in into the United States. Introduce a virus that we are told is so dangerous that everyone is to receive an unproven & experiental vaccine. If the people don't want it, force it on them with various threats such as losing their job, etc. Close down everyone's job and tell them it is for their own protection. Tell them they still need to take shot after shot. Meanwhile, have zero requirement for any of the the people coming across the border. And intentionally bankrupt this Country. Is there an intent to weaken the citizens of the United States and have others who invade our Couintry stronger? I have heard talk of a New One World Order. But, I still don't believe it. I think it is just conspiracy theories. However, If the invasion is not just to swing all elections to Democrats, than what else could it be used for? Hasn't the Paradigm Shift already occured or still is? Maybe so.
Tell the truth, you've been texting with Pjay.


Well-Known Member
addendum #16:

Certain members of our population shall not be charged with any crimes, BECAUSE, they're based on white supremacy, privilege, financial misappropriation, (you see money should be distributed by a governing body, diverse and non-Americans). Members of this segment shall determine what is right or wrong!!


Well-Known Member
Here is something interesting - What if our government is trying a "Paradigm Shift"? Here is the set up - Bring millions of people from a wide range of Countries, in into the United States. Introduce a virus that we are told is so dangerous that everyone is to receive an unproven & experiental vaccine. If the people don't want it, force it on them with various threats such as losing their job, etc. Close down everyone's job and tell them it is for their own protection. Tell them they still need to take shot after shot. Meanwhile, have zero requirement for any of the the people coming across the border. And intentionally bankrupt this Country. Is there an intent to weaken the citizens of the United States and have others who invade our Couintry stronger? I have heard talk of a New One World Order. But, I still don't believe it. I think it is just conspiracy theories. However, If the invasion is not just to swing all elections to Democrats, than what else could it be used for? Hasn't the Paradigm Shift already occured or still is? Maybe so.

Meth is a hell of a drug