Parenting/Child birth classes


Active Member
Does anyone have any recommendations for places to take parenting and child birthing classes? I'm due in January, but St. Mary's and Calvert Memorial Hospitals only seem to offer these classes on Monday/Wednesday nights, which is when I have my grad school classes :shrug: Those don't end until right before Christmas and I think I'll be pretty busy with holiday stuff at that point.

I'm down in Lexington Park, but if they are offered on a weekend I'm pretty willing to drive to anywhere within an hour or two! Other than that looking for Tuesday/Thursday/Friday evenings.



Look at her SMILE
Does anyone have any recommendations for places to take parenting and child birthing classes? I'm due in January, but St. Mary's and Calvert Memorial Hospitals only seem to offer these classes on Monday/Wednesday nights, which is when I have my grad school classes :shrug: Those don't end until right before Christmas and I think I'll be pretty busy with holiday stuff at that point.

I'm down in Lexington Park, but if they are offered on a weekend I'm pretty willing to drive to anywhere within an hour or two! Other than that looking for Tuesday/Thursday/Friday evenings.


St marys has them on Saturdays, one day and done


Calvert Memorial also does them on Saturdays. Some months they do it in one Saturday and others they do it on two half Saturdays.


Active Member
Thanks, I'll have to go check those out. I'm currently signed up for some at St. Mary's but I didn't realize they were on the same day I have my other classes :doh: I don't recall them mentioning any Saturday offerings, but I still need to call them to cancel the ones I'm already signed up for!


They have them at Health Connections and do believe they have Saturdays. Not sure if you are going to breastfeed but they also have bf classes there. Both were helpful and even if you knew a lot you came away learning something. Trina is one of the instructors and very good. Congrats on your little one!