Parenting lessons from Michael Jackson?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love

BRISBANE, Australia - Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin took his month-old son to his first croc feeding on Friday, offering the reptile a chicken with one hand and holding the baby in the other.

With a capacity crowd looking on, Irwin dangled a dead chicken before the 13-foot crocodile named Murray, which snapped up the offering. Irwin’s tiny son Bob looked on from his other arm.

“He’s one-month-old, so it’s about time Bob got out there and did his first croc demo,” the Australian celebrity told the crowd at his Australian Zoo.

Irwin’s wife Terri, who gave birth to her second child on Dec. 1, also attended the show, billed as Bob’s “croc feeding debut.”


Not dead yet.
I knew that this buy was nuts with his sneaking up on crocs and all, but this is over the top. Bad move, Steve-o! If oy was Terry oy'd cook ye up loyk a shrimp on the barbie.

Oh well, at least it looks like he remembered which hand the baby was in and which hand the chicken was in.