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Parents crashing online party
" CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Scott Seigal was awakened one recent early morning by a cell phone text message. It was from his girlfriend's mother.
Scott Seigal and his 72-year-old grandmother Sandy Miller instant message each other daily.
His friends' parents have posted greetings on his MySpace page for all the world to see. And his 72-year-old grandmother sends him online instant messages every day so they can better stay in touch while he's at college.
"It's nice that adults know SOME things," says Seigal, an 18-year-old freshman at Binghamton University in New York. He especially likes IMing with his grandma because he's "not a huge talker on the phone."
Increasingly, however, he and other young people are feeling uncomfortable about their elders encroaching on what many young adults and teens consider their technological turf.
Long gone are the days when the average, middle-aged adult did well to simply work a computer. Now those same adults have Gmail, upload videos on YouTube, and sport the latest high-tech gadgets."
Parents crashing online party - CNN.com
" CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Scott Seigal was awakened one recent early morning by a cell phone text message. It was from his girlfriend's mother.
Scott Seigal and his 72-year-old grandmother Sandy Miller instant message each other daily.
His friends' parents have posted greetings on his MySpace page for all the world to see. And his 72-year-old grandmother sends him online instant messages every day so they can better stay in touch while he's at college.
"It's nice that adults know SOME things," says Seigal, an 18-year-old freshman at Binghamton University in New York. He especially likes IMing with his grandma because he's "not a huge talker on the phone."
Increasingly, however, he and other young people are feeling uncomfortable about their elders encroaching on what many young adults and teens consider their technological turf.
Long gone are the days when the average, middle-aged adult did well to simply work a computer. Now those same adults have Gmail, upload videos on YouTube, and sport the latest high-tech gadgets."
Parents crashing online party - CNN.com