Parents want to collect sperm of 19 yr old child

In case he dies, they want his sperm so they can use it to make a grandchild from him.

This is messed up on so many levels.

Parents want to collect injured son's sperm -

The root of the issue is simple. If 19-year-old Rufus McGill II dies, his parents want his memory to live. They want grandchildren.

But that concern is secondary. McGill, after all, remains on life support at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, and his parents, Jerri and Rufus McGill, hold hope their son can pull through. But if he doesn't, and hope fails, they said they want to harvest their son's sperm to start the next generation on their own.

"I just think there's a mission for his dad and I," Jerri McGill said on Tuesday. "This happened for a reason. There's no doubt in my mind that he would want this."

The ramifications of making that kind of medical decision are murky, though. While Jerri and Rufus McGill can make the decision to end life support, they can't legally collect their son's sperm. He's an adult, and they are no longer considered his legal guardians. Rufus McGill II has one full brother, who lives with his father in North Carolina, and two half-siblings.

It's an issue that places the McGills at a crossroads, where health and family law intersect with the ethical implications of starting new life without a person's expressed consent. And while post-mortem collection of semen isn't unheard of, the permutations of what happens to the child after gestation does raise red flags, ethicists say.

McGill has been listed in critical condition since Oct. 14, when he crashed his mother's 2005 Cadillac near Boones Mill in Franklin County. The wreck involved six people and killed Hannah M. Long, a 15-year-old Liberty High School student. Rufus McGill II was airlifted to the hospital.


not impressed
We need more children in this world, especially those without a father. I say get the nurse in there and get multiple collections. No reason he shouldn't have a BradyBunch just cause he is dead. Let's see if he can one up Octomom.


New Member
This is morbid and sad.....maybe it isn't serious people think crazy stuff at the thought of losing a loved one. I pray that they find there way back to sanity.


Obama destroyed America
While Jerri and Rufus McGill can make the decision to end life support, they can't legally collect their son's sperm. He's an adult, and they are no longer considered his legal guardians.

And I hope the law steps in and prevents them from doing anything.


curiouser and curiouser
This is ridiculous. So I guess now we need to start specifying in our living wills that we don't want our eggs/sperm collected.


No matter how hard I try, I just can't wrap my head around this, it seems wrong in so many ways. Too many things could go wrong. Did they even think about who a mother might possibly be? The poor kid that comes out of this. They are just being selfish.


my war


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PREMO Member
In case he dies, they want his sperm so they can use it to make a grandchild from him.

This is messed up on so many levels.

Parents want to collect injured son's sperm -

The root of the issue is simple. If 19-year-old Rufus McGill II dies, his parents want his memory to live. They want grandchildren.

But that concern is secondary. McGill, after all, remains on life support at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, and his parents, Jerri and Rufus McGill, hold hope their son can pull through. But if he doesn't, and hope fails, they said they want to harvest their son's sperm to start the next generation on their own.

"I just think there's a mission for his dad and I," Jerri McGill said on Tuesday. "This happened for a reason. There's no doubt in my mind that he would want this."

The ramifications of making that kind of medical decision are murky, though. While Jerri and Rufus McGill can make the decision to end life support, they can't legally collect their son's sperm. He's an adult, and they are no longer considered his legal guardians. Rufus McGill II has one full brother, who lives with his father in North Carolina, and two half-siblings.
"The problem is a court order," Jerri McGill said. "We have to have a court order because of his age. We have called attorneys in Roanoke and they won't touch it with a 10-foot pole."[

I had to think overnight on this. First, I think it's messed up wrong psychologically, not to mention (IMO) morally. This is more than the parents wanting grandchildren. For crying out loud! They are in denial - their son is most likely going to die, or live on life support for some period of time - but they cannot accept that, so they are grasping at anything to have a part of their son forever. They do NOT know that their son would want this - I think they are in a stage of grief and cannot even think rationally. Not to mention I think the whole thing is just creepy. Just my 2cents.

But then there's this pesky little issue that they are not thinking through. The highlighted portion(s) of this article refers to their son's civil rights. Yes, he IS THEIR SON, their flesh and blood - but he is an adult. He is his own person and he has civil rights. He has his own human rights. His parents are in anguish, I have no doubt about that. But they do not have the right to violate HIS rights.

Furthermore, he is now an adult with disabilities. So that opens up another can of worms, if you will. They will need very highly specialized attorneys to take this case and I'm not sure they would win - especially going up against other civil & human rights agencies, etc.