Parents Who Can't Let Go


I am a scout leader and I am seeing more and more parents like those described in the following article link each year. Parents who want to do everything for their kids and not teach them to do things or solve problems for themselves. I used to think this was just a minority of parents but after reading the article it got me thinking... are we trying to make things too easy for our kids these days? Was childhood for these parents so awful that they feel they need to make sure their kids have it better by doing everything for them or did they just come from parents who did everything for them so that is all they know?

I know that some of the hardest things for a parent to do is let go. But letting go doesn't have to mean you are a bad parent or that you are not there if they need help.

So tell me, are the schools making moutains out of molehills?

This is the link from the Washington Post
"Our aim is not to tell parents to let go completely because, of course, parents want to be an integral part of their children's entire lives," said Walter of Seton Hall, where orientation includes sessions for parents and students -- both separately and together. "Rather, it is to discuss how to be involved in their children's lives, while allowing their children to learn the life skills they will need to succeed in college and beyond."

Exactly!!! :clap:


Does this mean if a kid is caught vandalizing someones yard the parents need to butt out and let the kid take the whoopin they have coming?


New Member
I know what you mean! But I can say, when I was a nanny and it was time to take the kids out or something, I was guilty of this. Instead of having them all put on their shoes, grab their coats, get their things etc. It was much easier to line them all (there were 3 of them ages 2-5) up on the couch and tell them to sit while I got them their backpacks, handed them to them to hold, put their coats on and put on and tied their shoes. But I do know what you mean, I realized after a while that while it was easier for me, it was not really teaching them anything.

I think that is why I push my daughter now and battle with her about her room being a mess. It was so much easier for me to clean it "my way" I don't think it was an inability to let go of her per se but an inability to let go of the control. I had to learn that just because it was not "my way" did not necessarily make it wrong, just different. I think if I had learned that earlier on, and stepped back it would not be a battle so often now for her to clean her room!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Good article, but I hear the stories every day. The college that is offering the "role playing" for the parents needs to just say, "let Susie go and keep sending the $$." You'll see her in the next "Girls Gone Wild" video because you are so controlling."