Parking at Fedex


Alright, I need info on parking up at Fedex. I don't have a parking pass (I'm in the process of searching online to purchase one) If by chance I can't find one - what are my options?


Active Member
No there is one closer..I forgot the name but it should be easy enough to find online..and then there is a is less than a mile.

Largo or new carrolton? I think that's it.

Still quite a long walk to the stadium from there. Parking pass is your best bet. There are cash parking lots that have shuttles so there is another option. The cash option is not bad if you are going to a low attendance game. We used it for a redskins/dallas game and it sucked. We waited in line for the shuttle for over an hour. This shouldnt be an issue for this game. Have fun and good luck with your search! :buddies: