Parr for the course? Or raising the bar...


Surely you jest ...
Take a listen...

YouRememberThat.Com - Taking You Back In Time... - Jack Paar Walks Off The Tonight Show

Seems controversial talk show hosts were alive and well long before it was the in thing to do. Pioneers like this saw censorship for what it was, stifling our rights to free speech and information. In the 50's and 60's censorship was a powerful tool in the television media.

People like Parr helped to get us where we are today in entertainment. This still stands, if the cursing, nudity or violence offends you...turn it off.

I believe strongly in the parents responsibility and ability to censor their children's watching of T.V./ movies and video games. Then again I still believe that T.V. has no place at the dinner table. That should be time to discuss and share the day, quality time for all. *shrugs* Yes I'm old. :)



New Member
Then again I still believe that T.V. has no place at the dinner table. That should be time to discuss and share the day, quality time for all. *shrugs* Yes I'm old. :)


Retro: So, what did you kids do today in school?

Kids: Watched a school approved diversity video called "I'm ok, You're ok"... It says i"m not ok because i'm a Christian...

Retro: (churchlady voice) Well...isn't that nice!!