Partial ACL Tear


New Member
Just found out my dog has a partial tear of her ACL. We went through this before with our other Mastiff but his were completley torn so we had surgery to fix them both. Just wondering what i can do to ease her discomfort for the next couple weeks. She is on Rimadyl now but it will be about a week and a half till we see the surgeon. Any tips you might have are greatly appreciated.


New Member
sorry your pup isnt feeling so well, here are some suggestions to help keep her leg rested and comfortable until you see a surgeon for repair options.

Crate rest or keep confined to a small room
Get her on a good joint supplement as the knee will probably develop arthritis
Give her medication as directed, this will help with inflammation.
Only go for short walks to use the bathroom.
Minimize stairs, jumping on furniture etc.
If she is overweight, try and help her lose some weight, I have a dog with arthritis and weight loss made a difference, it will also alleviate some unnecessary pressure on that knee.

Which referral clinic are you going to?
Ive heard great things about drs. bradley and morris in manassas VA.

Hope your pup feels better soon :)


Active Member

Just found out my dog has a partial tear of her ACL. We went through this before with our other Mastiff but his were completley torn so we had surgery to fix them both. Just wondering what i can do to ease her discomfort for the next couple weeks. She is on Rimadyl now but it will be about a week and a half till we see the surgeon. Any tips you might have are greatly appreciated.

Also, maybe place an Ice Pack on the area during the quiet times. Cool helps reduce inflamation. Hope your baby is doing well, and if your house is anywhere near Fire Works, maybe turn the radio, or TV on in the room he's in.


New Member
thanks for the tips.....i seem to be doing everything right...just wondering if there was something someone else knew that i have not heard of. We have to go back to see the ortho vet and i am sure he will tell us to go to MASH. Although when our other Mastiff blew his knees we went to a place in Annapolis and the surgeon there was great. So we might use him again since we were so pleased with his work and treatment.


New Member
MASH was great when my boxer gal had a blown ACL... just curious why you don't just call them directly rather than wait all that time?


New Member
MASH was great when my boxer gal had a blown ACL... just curious why you don't just call them directly rather than wait all that time?

The day after I posted the first post we left for vacation for a week. Just got back Wed. Making calls tommorrow. My daughter stayed with her to make sure she rested and got her meds everyday.


Active Member

The day after I posted the first post we left for vacation for a week. Just got back Wed. Making calls tommorrow. My daughter stayed with her to make sure she rested and got her meds everyday.

How is the Patient doing today?


New Member
she is doing a lot better............not limping anymore. Meds are helping alot. Leash walks only so she can't run and hurt it anymore. Called to Annapolis yesterday to get arrangements straight for surgery.......poor girl.....breaks my heart to put her through this but it needs to be done.


Active Member

Hopefully the surgery won't be so extensive, because it's only a partial tear. Glad to hear that she's doing so well, especially before the surgery. Keep us posted.


New Member
yeah, hopefully not as bad as the surgery my last dog had on his, his was completly torn. Blew me away how much the price has gone up though.........


New Member
She should be scheduled by wed.........getting the last bit of the money together. I am glad the surgeon who did our other dog is still there, he did a great job.