Party Hall Rental


loving life
A house that will hold all. 1st birthday, they won't even remember it. Why not save the money for the 5th Birthday or one they will remember? JMO


I wanna be a SMIB
footean said:
I need a hall rental for my daughters 1st birthday. We are having about 40-50 people. Any ideas?

You know this party is really going to be more for you and your friends. Baby wont remember a thing and will probably be asleep by 8pm. Like already said , save your money till the kid is older. My mom took me to disneyland in Calif when I was 3, as far as Im concerned, she still owes me a trip to Disney so I can remember it this time.


New Member
I live in the Lexington Park area. I have a small house and there is no way that every body could fit and feel comfortable. Her birthday is not until Nov. so it will probally be cold outside.


100% Goapele Head!
footean said:
I live in the Lexington Park area. I have a small house and there is no way that every body could fit and feel comfortable. Her birthday is not until Nov. so it will probally be cold outside.

Not sure how much these places go for but I went to the Metcom public hearing at the Bay District Firehouse's banquet hall and it is sooooooooooo pretty. They have a fire place, bar area and nice lighting.

This is an FYI as well for anyone who may be interested in knowing that they did a great job building that onto the firehouse. :flowers:


Lem Putt
footean said:
I live in the Lexington Park area. I have a small house and there is no way that every body could fit and feel comfortable. Her birthday is not until Nov. so it will probally be cold outside.

There are a few places available, such as the Elks, VFW, Fleet Reserve, fire house, etc.

I'd recommend getting the back room at Nicoletti's.


100% Goapele Head!
kwillia said:
I do believe it's at least $500+ to rent that hall.

Dymphna said:
About $1000-1500 for 3-4 hours.

When I was in there I was thinking that it would be a great place for companies to hold functions for all employees like holiday parties. But, yeah that's far too pricey for anybody's bday party.


100% Goapele Head!
LexiGirl75 said:


When I was in there I was thinking that it would be a great place for companies to hold functions for all employees like holiday parties. But, yeah that's far too pricey for anybody's bday party. holiday party? :whistle:
Dymphna said:
That's cheap then. Someone told me Mechanicsville VFD is $1500
You could very well be right... I was basing my price off of what I know someone else was able to pay to rent the hall for an evening... but that person "knows somebody" so they most likely got it for a good discount. Still, even $500 is a lot of money to spend on just the location for a party of 40-50 peeps...:eyebrow:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
kwillia said:
You could very well be right... I was basing my price off of what I know someone else was able to pay to rent the hall for an evening... but that person "knows somebody" so they most likely got it for a good discount. Still, even $500 is a lot of money to spend on just the location for a party of 40-50 peeps...:eyebrow:
It's cheaper for a weeknight than a weekend too.


New Member
footean said:
I need a hall rental for my daughters 1st birthday. We are having about 40-50 people. Any ideas?
Don't forget to let all the guests know what the gift wish list is and where you will be registered for this celebration :whistle:


New Member
footean said:
I need a hall rental for my daughters 1st birthday. We are having about 40-50 people. Any ideas?
I know the Northeast community center in Chesapeake Beach rents rooms that will hold anywhere from 20 to 60 people for 25 bucks.I do not know if lexington Park has a community center of any kind but its worth a try to find out the number here is 4102572554 and they might even know the answer to the question hope I could help any


New Member
Elk's lodge (Chancellor's Run Road) is $650 for a room that holds 200+ people. They also have a children's playroom (new).