PGPD Patrol Officer Discharges Weapon at Dog That Attacked Child & Second Dog


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The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Special Investigative Response Team is investigating after an officer discharged his duty weapon one time to stop a dog that had just attacked a 12-year-old boy as well as a second dog and its owner. This occurred Tuesday evening. The child was transported to a hospital for treatment of several bite wounds. His injuries are not life-threatening.

On March 10th, at approximately 5:30 p.m., patrol officers responded to the 12400 block of Old Colony Drive North in Upper Marlboro for an animal bite report. When the officers arrived, the 12-year-old victim was on scene receiving medical attention by emergency medical personnel. The preliminary investigation revealed the dog had attacked the child as the child walked in the neighborhood. After the attack, the dog’s owner put the dog on leash, but the animal was able to break free again. The dog then charged at a woman who was walking her dog. The involved dog knocked the woman to the ground and bit her dog. Thankfully, neither was badly hurt. PGPD officers quickly took steps to get the involved dog under control. Officers deployed a Taser which was ineffective and deployed OC spray. One officer then discharged his duty weapon one time, striking the animal. Animal Control personnel who arrived on scene transported the dog to a veterinarian for treatment where it was later euthanized.

As is our standard operating procedure, the officer who discharged his duty weapon was placed on administrative leave pending standard, post-shooting requirements. Our Special Investigative Response Team will handle the investigation into the discharge of the officer’s duty weapon. Anyone with additional information about this case is asked to call the Special Investigative Response Team at (301) 856-2660.

Prince George’s County Animal Control is handling the investigation into the dog and the circumstances surrounding the incident. They can be reached at 301-780-7200.

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