Patuxent Pi Mile Trail Run


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Do you want a great way to welcome in the spring and get some exercise before summer? Looking for something to do to celebrate Pi Day? Join us for an invigorating run through the woods around Patuxent High School and support two great Patuxent High School organizations.

The Pi Mile Trail Run (3.14 miles) will be hosted by the cross country team and math team on March 15th. Registration is $20 for adults ($10 for students under 18) before March 2nd and $10 more after that date (race day registration is possible but T-shirts are only guaranteed to those registered by March 2nd).

Information: Contact Blaine Mably 410-535-7865 or visit


Well-Known Member
But pi's an irrational number! When will the race end! We can't just go running off into the infinitesimially small numerals after 3.1415926535897932384626433832795! Oh, I forgot, I'm not Zeno.